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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. I'd take the AMG over a 8 sec T Falc.... Sell a body part each time it needs servicing, but hey, I got an AMG
  2. I have done 9 when I was younger.. No sugar beat that!!!
  3. Well finally Freeway Car Audio opened for the year and I got my head unit fitted. Its been sitting in my room for god knows how long. Anyway, its friggin awsome, has all the adjustable bits that I missed and the premium ICC dont have. I was running my amps and subs off an AudioControl LC6i (now for SALE), which was good. Then my stacker crapped itself so I decided to get a head unit. The head unit allows me to connect my ipod which sits in the glove box, and is controlled by the head unit itself. I miss the steering wheel controls but the HU has a remote. Also I bought a dash kit, which centeres the HU and still retains the ciggy lighter, other dash kits or even chopping the original puts the HU off center, which I didnt like, so this one was perfect.. Now just need to upgrade my speakers for some Alpine type S, or R's. The sub box im using was custom made by Freeway for my old car (holden) so it isnt the perfect fit, and just my luck Freeway are looking for a new cabinet maker, so more waiting till I get one made up, then my Alpine system will be complete. Here are some pics.. (camera fone)
  4. MiKa

    Vic Cruise

    Not the old ladies but yeah something like that...
  5. sh*t! hope it all gets sorted out and stays together.. TUFF lookin ride
  6. I like it, looks more muscular plus theres more tyre to burn
  7. MiKa

    Vic Cruise

    Dillz THRU5T TUFGSR qikshift NVYDF6 Variatch Diduflutter Jman V8_FRD Arse Peck Worm ENVY-T GR8XR6 xr6t_ute MiKa Should be there, but something about the date sounds familiar...
  8. Havent really looked at the thread properly. I'll check it out now...
  9. Personally I'd get a 3MPS. IMO they look better, have better performance stock and have CRUISE CONTROL.... I'd get it for that alone. 3 MPS FTW!!!
  10. I've had a few run ins with those MPS's... They are awsome little things, sound pretty nice too... But I showed them who was boss LOL
  11. I wanna see the one with the NOS bottle in action... Damn those Americans are a crazy bunch of mofo's
  12. Fark me that's quick for gramps, could have argued his hip went, so he couldnt get his foot off the accelerator hehhehe..
  13. I love it when these wierd people come on this site...
  14. An 8.0L, 16 cylinder and quad turbo engine, you'd reckon would be able to do that... Still amazing though and STOCK!!!
  15. MiKa

    Free Puppies

    Jimbo your a champ mate... Hope all the pupps find a good home..
  16. LOL fark gettin em checked, they'd need replacing by now hahha...
  17. Either him or one of rogercordias mates.....
  18. Probably more directed to the Mods... Or if anyone else can shed some light it would be good, Im about to make a donation through pay pal, cant see anywhere for me to write my username or anything identifying me, so that you would know I paid. After I make the donation, do I go to that ticket page and start a new topic stating that I have paid? Its all a bit confusing really... Cheers Mike
  19. Very original look mate I like it, dont see many, if any force 6's around.. You dont need to spend 8g's to make these things fast...
  20. Awsome work dude.. Looks like its factory..
  21. I can think of one in particular.... but lets not go there....
  22. Im with everyone "The Day the Earth Stood Still" was fairly boring and predictble, ending was crap.. Wait for the dvd, or download for sure... Also saw "Bedtime stories" I reckon it was pretty funny, could have been better but it is a movie the kids can watch....
  23. He said he wouldnt do it cause they are a licensed EPA tester.. Didnt say anything about it passing or not.. He was keen on sellin me a whole system though, so maybe that's why?? Buggered if I know..
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