Tmac450, I agree with what your saying but... Who would you listen to more your FAMILY or 'other' people? I imagine all her life her father has been controlling her every move, maybe she wouldnt have been as good a player without her dads 'support'. But yeah, he is a wacko!! For her to just tell him to fark off would have taken alot of guts, much easier to do what he says, as she has been doing all her life, id imagine. I have alot of Cekoseribislavia (thx ENVY) friends and believe me they can be a strict bunch of people, so it doesnt suprise me her father had alot to do with it.. Now shes farked him off and seems to be surrounded by some good people shes pullin her life/career back together But enough of her, back on topic... How hot is Anna??