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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Def off mate... Having it on when launching hard could also break something..
  2. Pretty simple for me, Veyron
  3. Had an Optima yellow top dry cell in the old car... Paid nearly $400 for it at a car audio place...
  4. Difference between standard stereo and LC6 is night and day.. Assuming you have added amps and subs etc... Pointless if you running an LC6 with the fastory setup..
  5. Need to run it in ey.. then let the fun begin!!
  6. Looks good champ, cant say ive seen you around though... Woulda noticed for sure
  7. that's the way mate, get stuck into it early, but then it never stops... Good power too. Who tuned it?
  8. Elvis and friends woke me up this morning also...Seemed soo close flying over, cuttin laps it seemed like, dumping his load hehhe
  9. MiKa

    Best Beer

    Ok mr perfection heheh, maybe I shoulda said it better... How many beers do u know of that have won gold medals? Better? And no I aint gettin paid to say all this lol..
  10. Damn I missed the bickering.... So when we cruising? I need to see this 360rwkw in action!!!
  11. MiKa

    Best Beer

    Best beer hands down.. Phoenix beer. I hate beer but I never refuse these.. Very hard to come buy though, secret squirrel stuff. Only know one place in Melb that has it, and when I was in Sydney, Double Bay I think the area is called, anyway a really upper class area, much like Toorak in Melb, was at a restaurant that had it.. It won 7 gold medals, how many beers win gold medals??
  12. Tmac450, I agree with what your saying but... Who would you listen to more your FAMILY or 'other' people? I imagine all her life her father has been controlling her every move, maybe she wouldnt have been as good a player without her dads 'support'. But yeah, he is a wacko!! For her to just tell him to fark off would have taken alot of guts, much easier to do what he says, as she has been doing all her life, id imagine. I have alot of Cekoseribislavia (thx ENVY) friends and believe me they can be a strict bunch of people, so it doesnt suprise me her father had alot to do with it.. Now shes farked him off and seems to be surrounded by some good people shes pullin her life/career back together But enough of her, back on topic... How hot is Anna??
  13. Last nights match was the best so far... Had everything in it, had you on the edge of you seat, the russian chick was even crying during the match!! Helena isnt anywhere near hot... Ana Ivanovic FTW!!
  14. I heard that 'Phantom' is the hardest colour to get 'right'.. Explains that VL a few posts back
  15. I have a battery tray. I bought it off a member from here a while ago, think he said it was an aps one. Dont really intend on using it.. I'll get a pic up. What you see is what you get.. Souldnt be hard to make work.
  16. Awsome stuff James and Danny top job as always... Sandown... Easternats???
  17. Good onya mate...I did all mine at the same time and re-tune aswell so I couldnt comment as to what gains those pipes made.. You'll notice your spool has gone up a few dB due to the metal pipes.. Sounds awsome..
  18. How much is it gonna cost a dude? Hope it all gets sorted and Danny should give ya a ripper tune, and I see 11's in your future..
  19. Ghosti nah mate u should be fine hehehe.... The wind has changed direction and is now heading left.. Gettin closer though..
  20. What a day. Spotted a Red, FG xr6 n/a unmarked police car, pulled a truck over.. Then on my way home saw large amounts of smoke coming from my houses direction, do a hude detour to get to my house, 5 choppers doing laps, another was the elvis? chopper dumping water on a bush fire about 500m from my front step... Fairly exciting stuff.. the wind is blowing in the opposit direction to where I live so I think our houses are fine.. Plus it has to get past about 10 houses an Aldi store and a servo before it hits our house hehe.. Went for a bit of a walk and spotted a blueprint T, with black centered 19's in the Aldi car park.. On here? Nice car but could use some lowering.. Think its the same car that was parked at my new next door neighbour's place...
  21. Wouldnt have a clue, but I have a Phantom... Best colour hehehe
  22. I think a capacitor can help with the headlight issue.. I have a 2 Farad cap, and nothing dimms when my system pumps...
  23. Check out the website dude, or are u after more pics?
  24. IMO you wouldnt notice the difference in loudness, that depends on the speakers (how powerfull) If your amping them than they should be clear no matter the size, but yeah get 5x7's because they are a straight swap so in the end will be cheaper.. I always look at RMS and match the amps, subs etc..
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