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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. When I view a topic it shows the first post normally, but the others arent. The appear like point form and dont show the whole reply. Kinda hard to explain but its fuggin annoying. Think I might have clicked on something but dont know how to get it back to normal...
  2. Hey just wondering how good these coolers are.. Just the usual info needed.. Rwks's ease of install, much heatsoak etc.. Tried a search but didnt come back with much Cheers...
  3. Yo mamma so fat I took a picture of her last christmas and its still printing...
  4. Im with Senna.. Lambo vid was heaps better.. The Lambo didnt seem THAT quick, maybe wasnt givin it much though..
  5. MiKa

    Most Povo Xr6t?

    Mate all that REALLY matters is that you have the snail strapped onto the side of the engine, premo sound is poo, wheels are usually upgraded anyway, leather is overrated IMO and well I'd love a sunroof...
  6. Spoted T6XR Rob? yesterday around midday on the Prinny Hwy.. Car sounds nuts dude, gave it a bit of curry too..
  7. PM me guys, havent been out in ages....
  8. Obviously $$$ isnt TOO much of a worry for him so why not.. Could make 600rwkw that much easier to achieve. He is after all going ALL OUT anyways... Good luck mate, cant wait to see the progress..
  9. Really wanna see this looks awsome... Clarkson, "600 hp and leaf springs" LOL that's aussie muscle for ya Clarko, prob still has the factory brakes too hehehe
  10. Have fun with white wheels and keeping em clean... Been there done that and will never do it again...
  11. I was running twin hi flowed cats on the old car... Was no where near as fast as the T's but really did open her up.
  12. Argh crap... There goes another point!!
  13. Was driving on a 2 way street the other morning, was early so it was dark, and oncoming cars didnt help my vision (headlights). There was a Rav 4 with a camera etc.. strapped to it facing me on the otherside of the road, IMO 'getting' the cars going the opposite way to me.. Anyway I didnt see said rav4. I passed a car going the opposite way and a few seconds later all I see is flashes.. Basically what I wanna know is can you get done by the camera going in the opposite way to how its faced... Im under the impression that if your coming from behind the camera and pass it, it can detect ya and if your speeding you get caught, can it do it when your driving passed facing it on the other side of the road? Yes I was speeding, was doin nearly 80 in a 70 zone... And for those of you that know it was on Ballarto rd in seaford, so it wasnt 'dangerous' or anything...
  14. Currently on 500-600 a week... But hopefully I get a new job this week(expecting a call) and with some years under my belt and hard work could be earning 100K+ a year... Damn you rich people!!!!!!
  15. I seen Watchmen also... Awsome fight scenes, but too long IMO almost 3hrs.. Alot of blue cock in the movie too LOL
  16. Saw a blue BA/BF SR last nite.. Sounded turbo'ed. Nice sleeper, was behind it in traffic and it took off pretty hard, got closer to him and heard what sounded like a BIG boost leak, but it might just be like that? Had a Bov noise too..
  17. Dude im in the same boat, and still havent got off my ass and got me some new tread hehe... Those quotes are pretty much the same as I had too.. I believe the Marangoni's were bought from tyre factory in dandy by a forum member...
  18. Good work Haydn.. hows the tune now compared to it before?? IMO people should just go straight and get there cars headsexed hehe...
  19. I think its a case by case thing.. Depends on how much power/boost your running.. It helps with controlling boost so it doesnt spike..
  20. Nice result buddy... Just wondering have you had ya flappa upgraded and wastegate ported? Cheers Mike..
  21. Seen one of them on the road, a few months back... Just thought it was 'another' HSV... Had to look twice to notice it was 'different'. If I was in the T I woulda tried to race him..LOL. Was in my cuz' 2.5lt Liberty...
  22. Went to the screening of Fantastic 4 the new one, well old one, but the newer one. The whole cast was there.. She was soo hot, too many people to be
  23. MiKa

    Fire Wood

    All good.. Got heaps off a mate..
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