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  1. I wasn’t do you recommend it what are the advantages
  2. I forgot to mention I did do the head studs thanks for your feedback
  3. So what would you recommend to do next to get In the real high numbers not that I’m planning to do so soon, I’ll just enjoy it for a while
  4. 2012 fg turbo Ute manual 4 inch x force exhaust stage 3 process west cooler process twin west surge tank 1000 injectors Walbro 525 in tank garrett gtx3584 gen 2 Battery relocation external wastegate turbo smart 60 mm screamer pipe flex fuel sensor oil pump gears valve springs atomic chain set new head gasket I know I didn’t do conrods and pistons but it’s a future project including a t400 also do you remember replacing my ecu now or wait until further mods, will I get advantages of doing it now
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