I have a FG MKII NA Ute doing the same sort of sounds. Multiple clunks on acceleration and a single clunk -sometimes- on decel. Doesn't happen when car is cold, and happens a lot if I'm in traffic moving at 20-40kph. have 68k on the clock and have had the sound for a fair while now. Finally took it to a mechanic the other week to which they checked over the whole thing and didn't find an issue other than "it's your leaf springs". He didn't really have an idea as to why they were causing a sound in particular. When listening it definitely does seem like it's coming from the springs on drivers side, but at the same time the clunk on takeoff isn't just a single clunk, it will go sort of CLUNK-clunkclunkclunkclunk sometimes. Also noticed sometimes when pulling up to a light slowly, the closer I get to stopping I get a clunk..clunk...clunk.....clunk. It's really weird and hard to replicate. Also you can hear a thunk in the rear when going over a speed bump or a decent bump in the road, almost like something is bouncing in the tray. Haven't tried much yet apart from getting the diff oil changed, which did nothing. If anything the noise got slightly a bit worse in traffic. Maybe I'm thinking them having the springs fully unloaded on the lift made it worse somehow? I have no idea. I'm pretty useless with cars if I'm honest but I'm learning a hell of a lot in the process of trying to find the cause and solution to this. Going to check everything is tight underneath, despite the mechanics saying everything is tight and nothing is worn. Might try to put something between the springs or something. Bleh.