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  1. Old thread, but hey, better late than never. I'm in the market for a built tailshaft and took an interest in Typhoon's carbon tailshaft and was wondering who do I need to get in contact with being in Adelaide to get my hands on one, thanks 👍
  2. Has any one worked with both the pulsar GTX 3582 and the GTX 3584. As I'm on the fence of which to get as I'm getting a great deal on either one and cant decide which to get. My car is a 08 G6E turbo with some mods driven daily, but will have other supporting mods to get me to my desired power figure I'm chasing. My question is will the pulsar GTX 3582 get me over that magic 400rwkw figure on 98 and if not is the GTX 3584 a good responsive streetable turbo that has usable power that's good on the street and doesn't need a century to spool. Thanks.
  3. that's funny cause that's whats on my car and im going to the grid r's. Im in Adelaide and would be happy to sell you mine if your interested and dont have any as they are getting hard to find, lol. I had them painted ego and to small areas on the front left and rear left rims where I have minor rash about 1" in length.
  4. Ahk no worries, did you go more gold from factory or darker? I went through sleeka spares, good helpful customer service and a few things thrown in for free.
  5. So ive ordered the grid r's in speed bronze in 18x9.5 +18 all around with 245/40/18 kuhmo PS71's all around as well Should be here early next week, guard's are getting rolled tomorrow and if all goes well should look shmick with my shockworks set a sssl height. Im frothing 🤤, cant wait. Thanks for the help MR_FG_09 appreciate it mate.
  6. Ok, cool. Just trying to see what sits flush n what doesn't. I may go the +18 route and see about putting a slightly bigger tyre like a 255 without scrubbing it, so I can keep that poke of the +18 even though the +35 sits nice as well, but I just love the poke imh. Fussy af I am, lol. Shame they dont make a 18x9.5 +30 in bronze, reckon that would give more poke. And I imagine that my end goal will change when I get there and get used to the power like I have atm
  7. Ok, good know that I cab possibly put a 255 on a 18x9.5 +18 on the rear as im hunting for that fat tyre look from the rear. But do the 18x9.5 +35 sit the same way as the +18, flush or slightly poking out? 400rwkw is my end figure, but currently sitting at 307rwkw.
  8. Ahk, so in order for me to have any tyre on those rims over 265 I would have to go 18,9.5,+35 instead on 18, 9.5,+18. So a 265 wouldn't fit on a +18 or it will rub or poke out to much. Do the +35 sit the same as the +18 with the 270 on it as I like the hella flush/poke look you have around the car. Also are 270's to much for daily driving? And guards will be getting rolled, just got to find someone reputable in Adelaide to do it Thanks for answering all my questions.
  9. Ok sweet, good to know. Now I cant decide between the two. Also you reckon the bronze would go well with ego grey?
  10. Ahk sweet, looks tough which is what im after. You reckon you could squeeze a slightly bigger tyre on the rear without rubbing or no? Also would you know if the rota P45R in the same size would fit the same?
  11. Ok so they're the grid r's on your car? And how do they sit. Do they sit flush with the outside of the car or slightly in or do they poke out a little with those sizes.
  12. Hi guys, I know this is an old thread so about time it got updated. I'm looking at purchasing some rota grid r's for my FG 08 G6ET ego grey F&R either in 18's or 19's as I like the deep concave spokes with the lip around the edge. Not fussed on which size as long as I achieve the look I'm after. I would like either hella flush or slight poke ( no more than 10mm, as I don't want to attract the cops more than I have to, lol). I will be rolling the guards and currently looking for a good place in Adelaide to do so. The overall look I'm trying to achieve with these rims is like the looks Henz has on the green f6 typhoon with bronze rims earlier in this thread. Meaty tyres on the back and what ever size I should run on the fronts. I also have the car on shockworks coilovers sitting sssl all around. Im confused with all these sizes and what offsets ill need to accomplish the look that the green f6 typhoon had, so any n all help would be greatly appreciated. As from what I've seen 18x8.5 +12 n 18x9.5 +12 is what I think Henz has said in some of the threads comments, wether this is correct or not I don't know and probably a tyre size of maybe 270 on the rear or bigger maybe, depending on what'll fit with rubbing.
  13. I'm also having this exacted issue with my car since owning it (08 fg g6et with 2012 motor with mods, 307rwkw, also had same issue before the old motor went). When stopping at the lights or stop signs the engine stalls every now and then. Ive replaced the spark plugs and the coils looked fine, the battery charge is also good and the alternator has also been replaced when new motor went in. Should I start off with adding grounding straps to see if the issue fixed itself or is there something else I should look into first?, also it does take a few clicks more than I think it should for the car to turn over. Car idles and runs perfectly, but stalls once in awhile.
  14. Im looking into that sort of power for my g6et. Ive been looking at the plazmaman 700hp core as an upgrade to what I have now and for $899 = bargain. Will it get me there as they say its good for 380rwkw, but im looking to punch out 400rwkw with all my other supporting mods on my car
  15. I used to go through kpm, but prices shot through the roof. Jet will be working on my baby. We are just working somethings out
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