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Tom Tucker

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Everything posted by Tom Tucker

  1. Yeah, probably. But my broad issue is that 1 bar gate pressure is enough to destroy tyres. I think one of the reasons I have issues holding 25psi+ on full send is both back pressure, and gate spring pressure. If I reduce spring pressure down to like 8 psi or so (for traction), I reckon I'll struggle holding 20 psi on full send. I don't know...
  2. Haha I know right! So, 285 Zestinos still get blazed. Haven't had an opportunity to get heat into them yet though.
  3. Just getting new tyres fitted as a write. Trying Zestino Gredge R. 140 TW. See how they hook up. Work has been so busy, I haven't had time to really drive it much. Apart from the dead flex sensor, she's been pretty good. Or it hasn't broken at least haha
  4. You can't get the factory caps new any more (or at least supply hasn't been available for around 6 months). I've got an aftermarket cap and overflow without any issues.
  5. Yes haha. Was pretty fortunate there were no open flames nearby
  6. My Haltech flex fuel sensor died. So I swapped it out today. sh*t job. The same part number has two different versions that mount differently. Of course the replacement was different, so had to muck around remounting it on the chassis rail, with e85 spilling everywhere. Sorted now though 👌
  7. Very nice! Always makes me feel better about the $$$ pumped into mine when I see others doing the same haha
  8. I like the sound of this place you speak of. Excuse the pun.
  9. Tom Tucker

    My Build

    Cheers man. Not something I can do for a while unfortunately. Looking forward to hearing how she goes. Mine has spent a bit of time on limiter recently, purely because my rear tyres are bald... so far no issues... 🙄
  10. Tom Tucker

    My Build

    Awesome. I think I might look at the same setup in future
  11. Tom Tucker

    My Build

    Hows the sequential going? Does it work properly?
  12. Great diagnosis man, really useful info for others. Keen to hear your further thoughts
  13. There are heaps of twin scroll options. But unlike the smaller capacity RBs, I'm not sure anybody has demonstrated a massive benefit on the barra?
  14. Tom Tucker

    My Build

    Looks like it comes on very nicely for a 42!
  15. Tom Tucker

    My Build

    Delicious. I absolutely love my T56 Magnum. Really keen to see how you make the sequential shifter work nicely. That will be epic.
  16. Tom Tucker

    My Build

    Looks awesome man. What gearbox are you using? And what turbo is that?
  17. Sounds pretty average if you just got it man. I'd say it has a blown head gasket, and the previous owner has chucked chemi-weld in for the sale.
  18. Pretty hard to tell from that man, but it looks pretty clean in there, which is a positive.
  19. Highly recommend NPC single plate organic. Rated to over 400kw, nice and compliant. Tail shaft will be fine if it's not making any noises now. Same with your diff and axles.
  20. Hey mate, if your FGX has the original gearbox, it'll be a TR6060. My advice would be to choose your workshop and tuner first. They will tell you what you need, and what they like working with. I sometimes feel for workshops and tuners who have people coming to them with unknown parts and workmanship, and expecting great results. It's often cheaper to get it all done together, in house. If you're going to modify and tune, do it properly the first time. Get valve springs done. You don't need head studs. I think just for tune anywhere from $1000-$1500 seems to be the going rate. Consider getting a new clutch, and tip to bottom service at the same time. Hope that helps
  21. Sweet, didn't realise they still made them
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