Not up to us to post mods unless the owner agree's We are located in Caringbah get your family member to come vist us and he will get the best package available to enhance his TT CV PERFORMANCE
When I had to swerve to avoid hitting YA MUM on the road I ran out of Petrol! YA MUM is so fat she fell off a boat and the Captain yelled, "Land Ahoy!!!"
I have driven a BA GTP with in car adjustable Tien's excellent ride and feel but throw it into a corner and it was terriable,Tien's are not made for australian Falcons and it shows we can fit this system but there are better alternatives IMO! CV PERFORMANCE
An original XW Phase 2 worth around $300+k was stolen from Cronulla on saturday while the owner was inside a resturant having lunch with his father CV PERFORMANCE
Could be a few different issue's best bet is to bring it in for a day for us to have a look at things such as faulty coils,throttle body,plugs, solinoids etc etc CV PERFORMANCE
A couple of things our custom surge tanks are 3 litres and the noise is unavoidable as that's the noise of a Bosch pump,sounds better than rods leaving the motor CV PERFORMANCE
We just done a TT std it made 171awklw removed the bung added a set of injectors and a tune it made 253 all wheel kilowatts and it looks and go's very nice CV PERFORMANCE