Like CCCC stated we have spoken with him and are willing to sort out what ever it takes to get the car right ;-) And TAB thank you for your support as we all know there is two sides to every story, the customer was told to bring the car back if he was not happy with anything and we would fix all that is needed with the tune up free of charge. So for all of those assuming we are going to do nothing about it .......... ;-) The thing that sucks in situations like this is, because Con has been tuning these cars longer then anyone in Australia (and I know I can say that with out hesitation) at an average of 3 Turbo'd powered falcons a day, he has the ability to work faster then most others. So automatically people assume they are not getting a custom tune due to Cons fast work. There is only so much you can do with the tune ups in these vehicles people who say they spend on 6 - 7- 8 hours personally there is not that much time that can be spent on a tune up. Trial and error is the biggest problem with people getting it in there heads, that because this guy spent 6 hours and we only spent 1 the 6 hour tune up is better. We have the most records out of this shop with XR6 turbo's, F6's, XR8's, etc & also have had the most success with them out of anyone. First to run 10's in a BA XR6 turbo. (2003) 13 10 second BA Xr6 turbo's out of this shop. 5 10 second BF XR6 turbo's & F6's. Fastest Territory in the world. Fastest GT in the country. First to crack the 700rwkw mark, in an F6. (Out of the Falcon scene) Fastest turbo car in Australia out right (Campo's Mustang) Fastest LS1 in the world (Steve Petrovski's Blue ute) Fastest half chassis car in Australia (MR MAD) So not only do we specialise in Ford's we can set the record in anything. We also endeavour to give our customers the best service for the lowest price on the market with out compromise. We don't want to get into comparisons with any other tuners or anyone else, we do our own development and pass that wealth of knowledge to our customers and have always done that for the 26 years we have been in business. Just remember talk is cheap we have the results to back ourselves up. To all our customers who support us thank you & all the best for the festive season. Kind regards CV Performance