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About boogamanXR6T

  • Birthday 20/08/1970

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  • Location
    Brighton SA
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  1. Happy Birthday boogamanXR6T!

  2. Happy Birthday boogamanXR6T!

  3. Happy Birthday boogamanXR6T!

  4. Happy Birthday boogamanXR6T!

  5. turbotwat - I'm TRYING to get some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback HERE - obvioulsy that DOESN'T apply to you so shut the hell up and get OFF my post IF you've got nothing better TO offer (I'M GLAD YOU'RE CAPS LOCK WORKS FOR YOU) thanks Black ThundeR - that's exactly my situation and so far I've haven't been so lucky - Ford can't find anything, tuner can't fix it and trans specialist isn't sure either - it's got them all baffled so far - this is why I'm here now and still researching my options of where to go and which experts to consult - I've had at least one good PM with info on specialists to follow up
  6. hi tom - I see you're an adelaide man - any suggestions for trans upgrade workshop? (assuming you have experience)
  7. it's obviously all good now - how long you had it done for?
  8. if I could just get it to do something in stock tune, then I can have a shot at warranty - they've already changed the torque converter with very little to go on
  9. hey rob - if I put a pic of me on here, can you give me a tan and make me taller? put lots of chicks around me too please
  10. anyone else got any recommendations about pads for the track with stock brakes?
  11. I don't think that applies to my situation - mine has slipping issues in perf tune with the trans running factory line pressure for auto mode - SSS firmed up and it's silky regular changes under full throttle and firm changes under low throttle the theory is to raise the stock line pressures by 10% and see if its okay - this will hopefully highlight whether the solenoid is struggling or the bands all input welcome because many are still baffled
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