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  1. Thanks disabled sounds better (cheaper) to me. are there any kits for mating these up to 1959 technology?
  2. Ok, I want to do the same thing to my Jag except that mine is much older, a 1959 mk9 Jaguar ex wedding car which already has a 4.1 cortina crossflow motor. I have no electronics anywhere in the car except for a single push button interior light and I am not as handy as you seem to be with the ecu stuff- I need plug and play. I want to keep my bench seat and stick shift but want more horses than currently have. Suggestions? later crossflow/ barra , could really do with an overdrive as I have a 4.27 diff ratio which makes it scream. currently my daily but it is starting to get unreliable so need to do an upgrade. This is the car before I bought it a few months ago and brought it to melb. I live next to pickles so happy to buy a wreck.
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