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  1. Im looking at buying a 2006 falcon ute for work, it was lpg but has been converted to petrol, theyve replaced fuel lines and ecu and obviously put fuel tank in, is there any downside to a converted engine like this? Or any common issues that could potentially arise from it? Am going into business for myself so dont want to buy a lemon, any feedback is greatly appreciated 😁
  2. Have finally replaced o2 sensor and am actually getting as many kms out of it as what the range reckns it should be, and no longer running rich or pulsing massively at idle. New problem now though, windscreen wipers were cutting in and out and now only work on really fast mode. Just one thing after another ay
  3. Is there a way to test the o2 sensor with a multimeter before buying a new one?
  4. Have just got through first tank of petrol after cleaning throttle body and am only getting 6kms to a litre. Does the map sensor need cleaning if its a pressure sensor? All the spark plugs were replaced not long ago, will try changing fuel filter this weekend, any suggestions will be much appreciated.
  5. Hi k31th, Thanks for reply, I just took car for short drive and happy to report it was the pod filter tapping the bodywork after being moved a few times, so will put some foam tape or similar on affected area. On another note, diffs whining like hell, have read that au diffs are compatible and better, being 4 pinion as apposed to ba 2 pionion, thoughts?
  6. So you dont think my opening the throttle plate while car was running has caused this? Just its never made this noise before but I dont think it used to idle this low either
  7. Hi all, I have a 2003 ba falcon that hasnt been getting very good fuel econony. I looked into a few forums on here and decided to clean the throttle body in hopes of getting more kms/ litre. Took throttle body out and cleaned it with throttle body cleaner, put back in and started car without air intake attached, (incase wasnt fitted right etc save taking intake off again), and thought that by manually opening throttle plate by hand would just rev engine. Stupid I now know. Car stalled straight away but started up again first pop. Seems to be running alot smoother now but a couple of times at lights has a light ticking noise coming from engine since doing this. As soon as I increase revs slightly tick disappears. So just wondering if this could be caused by me opening throttle plate and damaging something in process. Also idling at around 600 revs
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