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  1. Thanks K31th, I was looking at pcmtec as it seems a waste to buy a handset (sct) just to flash a tune.
  2. Hi I recently a bf xr6t ute, I've been reading the forums on what mods to do and decided to do the following. Walbro 255 lph pump Wog cooler (was given this) Venom cat Injectors and tune. I'm looking for a tuner and based my location profile autosports seem to be the best but I they don't seem to use pcmtec. RDP uses pcmtec but I can't find any recent reviews. Forced seem to have both good reviews and do pcmtec but it's abit too far to travel. I'm I better off paying more to tune using an Sct tune with profile or is RDP still good with falcons?
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