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Everything posted by biddie_fiddler

  1. This is the best insult for a search engine 🀣🀣🀣🀣
  2. Thanks for looking mate! Just placed an order for the bracket. Brand new, express shipping, genuine, $55. Even if I never need to use it, I'm happy I have it on hand. When I did the mounts I ended up jacking up the motor from where the bell housing meets the block, because I don't have an engine crane or one of them things. But if I was to do it again I think I'd invest in that. Jacking up the engine is scary business 🀣 Next on the list, happening some time in the future, battery relo to the boot. bought the battery tray and lined it up in the boot, will fit real nice in the left corner I want to finish my electronics projects first though lol
  3. I'm actually talking about this bad boy, its what you bolt the engine mount to. That main thread at the top is what I think is cooked😞 4 bolts hold it to the block with loctite As for the engine mounts themselves, all genuine ford stuff, fits well as you'd expect. And made a huge difference to the nvh of the car. Such a big difference
  4. Replaced the shagged trans mount and cradle (had cracked!) and engine mounts. RHS engine mount bolt that connects it to the engine mount bracket really didn't want to come out nice. Resistance the whole way with metal shavings coming out along with it. Didn't go in happy either. Have driven about 100kms since and all appears in order, but its in the back of my mind and I want to replace the bracket... Still pondering how on earth I can do that without removing half the sh*t around it, like the turbo, manifold, dump pipe... This sounds awfully sh*t Bolts to the block are loctite'd too fml
  5. Exactly, I don't plan on going to get it lol, as petty as that may sound
  6. Not sure why, but I decided to order a genuine oil filter from Jefferson Ford. 2 weeks later, after I'd forgotten about it, I get a notification that its arriving today (this was yesterday). I am at work, obviously, and aramex don't do atl (authority to leave) for a sub $20 package. Naturally they try deliver when I'm not home, they leave a calling card. Get the email this morning that its ready for collection from their only depot in Perth. Its over 50km from my house. That ain't happening lol
  7. Birthday skids woooooo!!!! Happy birthday mate
  8. Making this open-source has definitely crossed my mind, I'm talking the whole project. If the bones are good enough, it can hopefully generate enough interest for people to be willing to help finish it off and make some decent changes and progress on the project. I do need to do some research on using git. I've had this project in my google drive since its inception, but git is way better, especially for the code side of things. What kinda stuff do you work on if you don't mind sharing?
  9. Only if I'm alone, if the Mrs is in the car, then sharing is caring
  10. What's the best thing to do when you successfully create a proof of concept? Start all over again The project was all round a success, but was both very limited, and too complicated at the same time. My patterns were hard coded into the MCU, which means they'd only work for only the falcon lights. My original goal was to have a product that could compete with the Ghozt Sequencer, something I can't achieve use hard coded patterns. So it was back to the drawing board! I redesigned the board, removing the ability to add extra boards - a feature that is too complicated for the benefits. I also chose a different LED driver chip that was similar is price but has way more functionality, kinda annoyed I didn't discover this one first. This chip can individually control the brightness of all 16 channels per chip, and they can be daisy-chained like the other chip, so I now have 32 channels that are completely independent. I have now used a much beefier MCU that has more RAM and Flash so my program can be more complex. Why do I need this? Because the board can now be connected to a PC via USB and have all patterns programmed using PC software that's the theory anyway, board has been designed but not made yet, code has been written but not tested. I've instead spent many, many months learning how to develop windows applications, thanks to Chat GPT its been a relatively successful, albeit slow, process. If money wasn't an issue I'd have assembled a few of these boards and started real world testing. But sadly I've never had the money to, essentially, waste on this project for some time. I'm going to ditch the idea to re-use the internal brake light red diffuser from the tail light and instead opt to have a piece cut out of acrylic, like the indicator insert. Its just so much easier to do and I can fit it in better. Here's some pics of the new board, same same but also very different The PC app is where I've spent most of time, its dense, not the best design but will get the job done! It still needs a lot of work and testing but the bones are there! So far it can: - create patterns for all 5 inputs by adjusting the brightness of each led per pattern, I've limited it to 4 brightness levels to keep it more simple - configure each channel for your needs - send packets via uart (tested using uart simulators), it handles the packet creation, CRC checksums, sending packets, receiving responses and handling errors - save projects to a file so your designs are saved. It will inform you when a unsaved change has been made and gives you the ability to save the file. Todo: - encrypt the save file so it can't be tampered with - implement an "open project" feature Then test it! I'm sure there is a lot of bugs in it but that's part of the journey. I must say, doing this completely alone has been extremely overwhelming, I have stopped working on it for weeks, then come back to it with massive ambitions, only for the cycle to repeat itself. I have so many aspirations for this and I really want to see it through. I've spent too much time on this to give up now. I just don't know what to do once its "finished". I would love to have the code reviewed but others but not sure how to go about this. For now, once I have a working board I can do some real-world testing and start fixing some bugs I'll definitely find. The board itself is pretty much done, as well as the code, its always the 10% that takes the longest though. From memory, I just need to implement saving data to flash for it to be ready for testing. Then I can finalise how the patterns are handled in code. The whole point of this is that I wanted to be able to sell the PCBs so that anyone can do custom lighting themselves, but realistically that's a long way away. I wouldn't know how to even sell something like this lol
  11. Spent the last few days being sick, I feel like this winter has been particularly bad πŸ€’
  12. Yea its very much a long term project 🀣 You've reminded me, I should probably update the thread I created about them lol
  13. I am so over my fkn workplace. Old c*nt that seems like parking next to me doesn't know how to park like a reasonable person. Hit my car yesterday opening the door and did it again today. Yesterday was a ding, today is a nice bit of paint transfer Looks an awful lot like nitro blue on his door This is how I park on a daily basis at work, I come in early and park as far right as possible .. What he thinks is an appropriate way to park So over this fkn week
  14. Get a scan tool and see what codes are triggering this, could be heaps of things causing it. Maybe you got water inside the fuse box and shorted a fuse? If you've replaced the brake light switch, double check its installed correctly, needs to be twisted into the correct spot to lock it in place. Its common for people to not install it properly
  15. Went clamping over the weekend, what a fkn cracking time - of course I had to get some shots. Sunrise, and first time trying to take photos of the milky way
  16. Can you link the kit you got? Had no idea a hardline to AN adaptor existed lol, makes sense though. There's AN adaptors for pretty much everything these days πŸ˜‹
  17. Oh, yea the turbo is at the front, but there is a hard line that goes from the thermostat to the heater, and that is routed round the back
  18. Definitely looks way nicer! that's the only thing that's putting me off doing this is the line that goes from under the thermostat around the back of the motor πŸ™ƒ
  19. Been 6 days since I contacted empire elite sales dept about spare parts, clearly not important to them 🀣 Ebisu do titanium hardware, and they sell single stud kits! Picked up an M10x1.5 stud, washer, and nut for $20 to replace the nut and washer I lost They seem to have a lot of cool titanium hardware too! Can do a whole engine bay dress up which sounds pretty damn tempting lol Happy Friday everyone!!
  20. Research suggests that its actually beneficial to have a coffee a couple hours after you get up rather then "as soon as you get up". So maybe you've actually done yourself a solid this morning @PuffwagonπŸ˜‹
  21. Give us pics when you do it mate! Would love to see how it comes out πŸ˜„ WG seems to have sorted it's sh*t out, gave it a careful boot to open it and after that it was fine. I'll let MT know at it's next service to take a look at it.
  22. Have an annoying update πŸ™ƒ Still noticing a small exhaust leak, it's coming from my screamer, I think the wastegate is stuck open a bit πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
  23. Do you have dual zone a/c? If you do, set it to heat and check both sides are hot. If not you may have a broken mixer shaft. They can make funny noises when broken
  24. Been just under 4k KMs since my last service, and I hadn't checked my exhaust manifold bolts since the service. Since doing the studs I figured they'd be fine, they were re torqued at the last service too. However on boost I noticed a strange noise I'm all too familiar with, exhaust leak! Checked it out yesterday, I've lost a nut and washer from cyl 6 lower stud 😭😭😭 Could see soot all around cyl 6 making it pretty clear what's happened. Checked all the others and had a couple that were loose. Dammit! πŸ™ƒ Emailed empire elite, hoping they stock individual parts as spares so I can buy some. For now, found a m10 nut in my dad's nut and bolt collection and used that for the time being. Thinking I should invest in some Nord lock washers to replace the titanium ones, thoughts?
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