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Everything posted by ilk

  1. Awe, thanks babeโค๐Ÿ˜˜
  2. Do it, I've got plenty of NSFW things to say.๐Ÿ˜ Also stop picking on the autistic alcoholic with bowel cancer
  3. I never seen so many excited people because goee man is back.
  4. Yeah heartless fat pig What's a fascist. Not a word I've ever used in my life
  5. Friends read the manifesto, all them said, did you write this๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Yessssum
  6. I let the rain wash my car now, super easy
  7. Yeah, you can tell by just looking at her eyes/face.
  8. Wonder how much it would cost to print a few thousand of those. ๐Ÿค” I'll put my efforts into this for while, got nothing else to do.
  9. Think of some ideas of how we can show people how multiculturalism is failing, how Islam is cancer. Gotta keep it simple with a handful of verses, like that they are encouraged to lie to non believers and if they dont convert, kill them. Stats of how some groups just leach of the system etc.
  10. Unfortunately it's the politicians doing back flips on everything they say, the only one standing his ground is Fraser. There's only so much normal people can do, but in the end it comes down to what people vote for. Most people have been turned into snow flakes. Mbaf should loan me his jet The UK made it worse for themselves because they pay so much money for welfare. It attracts economic migrants and lazy people. Majority of middle eastern people dont work hard. Even this guy says it. Laziness is inbred into them.
  11. Because he probably went on a verbal sh*tstorm on every outlet saying I <3 Bananas yeah kill all the muzzies etc
  12. Shame he didn't break his nose. Who got arrested for what? You mean the guy in the UK๐Ÿ˜‚ that place is a joke, they arrested a women a few weeks ago because she said something about transgenders or some sh*t like that on Twitter I think.
  13. I read between the lines, he said share it. Also someone looking at what really happened doesn't make them a terrorist, I'd rather see the truth for myself instead of the news spinning it into their own story like they have done countless times with other events and bottle feeding us information that doesn't tell the whole story.
  14. Must just be the weirdos here, it would come down to how they are raised
  15. Just need about 30 mosques burnt down at one moment in time to send a message, its not hard to organise. Nothing will get rebuilt. It would also make world news. No need to kill people, just make it clear that Islam isn't wanted here. After all, it's only a building but it symbolizes something bigger. Like the communist meerkat says. Simples. I'm not doing it with these diesel prices. I'm not that rich. Fluff can pay๐Ÿ˜‚ also my car isn't fast enough for a get away
  16. But home schooling turns people into social outcasts, also won't stop them being bombarded with social media rubbish. I work with people that have been home schooled. They weird ๐Ÿ˜‚
  17. I wouldn't worry fluff, the left is good at shooting themselves in the foot. People eventually open their eyes to the bullsh*t. Also mosque shootings accomplish nothing, you need to go after the top of the ladder, the scum infiltrating government. no more women in government either, they are too emotional.
  18. @bloodycrashboy Let them blame the right wing extremists, make a no difference. It will only push them into action more and let's the light shine on them. Unfortunately the majority of people are just stupid. They eat anything up they see on social media and TV. @HRM Fluff of Cornwall Twitter is owned by a Saudi prince now. He's pushing his own agenda through it. You'll see.
  19. I've been saying it my whole, I also bring up white genocide up to everyone. People are still ignorant to the fact that only 20% of the world is white. Also screw multiculturalism, it ruins tourism among other things. I'm labeled as a racist and people call me Hitler at work only because I speak my mind and the truth๐Ÿ˜‚
  20. That's because nibiru is getting closer and our magnetic poles are flipping in the next 10 years. We all farked
  21. I haven't read it yet, I dont think I need too. I already know what needs to happen๐Ÿ˜€ Sky is clearly blue, I can see it with my eyes
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