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ilk last won the day on May 17 2021

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291 Excellent

About ilk

  • Birthday 11/09/2021

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    Is on holiday from communism

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  1. Apparently my interests are madatory vaccines and conspiracy theories. Funny
  2. morning all. hope everyone still alive and well
  3. didnt go to work sold my ve ss for 11k profit bought 11k of Shiba inu coin at 0.000019
  4. I'll come back in 2 years and let you know what colour lambo I bought or what homeless shelter I live in
  5. If anyone wants to make some easy money Put a few grand on trump winning the US elections. I am
  6. Loopholes? Cash is being banned. Whatever is in circulation will eventually make it's way back to banks never to he circulated again. That's a extra fist above your head to control you. Yeah people will create their own currency to trade but why should we have too. I prefer silver and cats as currency
  7. I don't think you understand the full consequences of going cashless and being forced into a banking system that controls everything
  8. That went out the window a long time ago Keith. Communist Australia is the new normal whether you like it or not. Your rights are being taken away bit by bit. And the sheeple are all for it. Soon you wont be able to buy anything with cash either.
  9. He needs a bullet inbetween his communist peanut brain. I'm surprised no one had the testicles to actually do it.
  10. Yeah, nothing has changed in qld. If I didnt watch the talking head on TV I wouldn't even know about this scamdemic
  11. How is everyone, enjoying the "covid normal" Haha
  12. Mechanical is fine, dont worry about these big cats. Get a braided line and fit it properly, it will last you years. Mechanical sh*tts on electrical. I got all the brass fittings to suit whatever your doing from autobarn and supercheap. Buy some thread tape or thread sealant otherwise your sh*t will leak everywhere.
  13. sh*t tuner. I've never had e85 cold start problems. Starts like normal on e85.
  14. It was me, you rejected me If his name his trent, why did you buy tent plates. Are you retarded? Or dysexic
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