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Everything posted by molch

  1. Hi JVk, old post revival but did you sort the overboosting with the Mamba exhaust and internal gate with porting or did you do something different?
  2. I know this is an old thread but its what I found searhcing. Awesome post. Are there any newer ones with pics? I'm starting this next weekend.
  3. It will depend on the size of the turbo you are bolting onto it. I have one bolted to a t04z compressor (68mm) and its too big a turbo. I had it ported out to 38mm but still having some issues. I might be selling my mamba housing soon if you want to safe a couple of dollars and pickup one that's had some porting work done to it.
  4. not the best pictures but thought I would share them anyway. Ford chamber Mamba chamber
  5. Turbo is back out. for this interested here are the exhaust housings side by side.
  6. need to wire up something like this cable: http://members.iinet.net.au/~amneet/FalconICC/RGBSYNC.pdf and diagram here: http://fordforums.com.au/showthread.php?p=4590310&page=4
  7. I've got an idea that this can be connected to the ICC unit and displayed in place of my Factory GPS. I've bought a micro USB to RGB adaptor (MHL adaptor) and will see if it can be done in a couple of weeks time once I sort my turbo and valve springs!
  8. molch

    Bf reshell

    that's pretty rough man, who was the insurer?
  9. Nothing is stopping me using it now. But t I have invested something in the mamba housing in regards to porting and bigger flapper and it's new (no cracks etc). So I need to take it off the car, get it checked out and decide if I throw anymore money into the mamba exhaust housing or if I start again with the original ford housing and get the porting and flapper mod done to that. Hindsight is awesome ?
  10. I got some time to drop in and chat with Spiro today @ Autotech today. The guys a legend. He explained the issue with the Mamba exhuast housing that the wastegate hole comes with a 90 degree corner in it. Typical housings would have a nice flowed bend. We agreed we are going to pull it off and get it inspected for another opinion and see if further internal porting can fix the issue. Would I buy a Mamba 3584R turbo again? Hard to say because I bought it as a drop in replacement to keep costs down etc and its not turning out that way so didn't really meet my initial requirements. Now I'm not saying to turbo compressor or core is bad (Jury is out) but my current learning is the exhaust housing is not ideal. For a drop in replacement the GTX3576r will be better I reckon (Budget for new intake pipes because its 4") . However the total power will depend on tuner, dyno, supporting mods and boost levels. This map shows it's doable but would need around 2.5 pressure (22PSI). To reliably get this high boost levels you also might have to port and exhaust housing so you could be in a similiar situation.
  11. Yeah I'm definetly in! Also chatting with a couple of other xr6 turbos, a FG xr50 and FG mk2 and another mate that has a vw golf R, is it an open invitation? Will keep you posted MattyP
  12. Im interested and about 95% I will be there.
  13. that would be awesome. can you share with me the gauge background and how to mod the software?? Looks wicked, is flexible about what you can monitr and much cheaper then 3 gauge mount I was looking at in the same location.
  14. The exhaust turbine is 1.05 AR which, from what I now understand is one factor to compare against he ford 1.06 AR. However the design of the volute also has a huge effect so the numbers alone are not a good comparison.
  15. Been doing a heap of research and everytime I think I know something I end up finding more information which tells me I know nothing and tried and tested is the best way unless you have heaps of money to try different combos and are ready for alot dyno time. Some things I found interesting reads on turbine housing and its impact to power etc. and http://www.toymods.org.au/forums/threads/67759-Turbochargers-turbine-housing-AR-selection-how-to-work-out
  16. Mattyp. The tuner tried to 0 out the boost and it just wouldn't stop boosting like crazy. Trust me we were not chasing high boost at all. The only way I could see this working on a low boost application is with a restrictive exhauast / intake so there are other parts of the entire system restricting boost. Unfortunately I must be the first person with a 4" exhuast and intake to fit one of these turbo's. I believe the exhaust housing is not fit for purpose with this turbo period. I took a gamble using an unknown turbo and housing and now I have the price to pay. The housing is not the same as ford spec housing so if anyone wants to buy Mamba housing I think they need to know this and take it into consideration. You would run the same risk even with a MAMBA GTX3582R if you have free flowing intake and exhaust. Yep I agree a bigger port is needed and because no-one can guarantee a 40mm is big enough I will probably just go an external wastegate (45-50mm) to be safe.
  17. Glad I could give you all a chuckle. Thought I put an update in. I data logged the car using a cheap UBD11 wifi + iphone app and its not spiking just building alot of boost. 10 psi by 2600, 15psi by 2900 , 22psi by 4200rpm. I get it that its much higher boost then stock internals were built for but I trust my tuner and so long as there is no detonation it should be ok yeah? He took out timing and added fuel to ensure it was as safe as possible. I have since read about Tonyv's F6's 25psi boost on stock internals and a few other examples of high boost on stock internals so I'm not longer freaking out like the night you guys all had a good chuckle over the results. I am however abit worried about summer coming and what adding ambient air temp to the equation will do so I'm going down to chat to the tuner one afternoon this week about my options moving forward. The turbo supplier hasn't returned either of my two emails. I did call 999automotive in qld/syd who locally supply these turbo's. They were helpful and they have fit them to 3 or so xr6 turbo's and got boost as low as standard with a 5psi spring in the actuator. This made me do some research on the turbo and understand compressor maps better. gtx 3 Now my T04Z has a 11 blade billet wheel which for what Ive found is not how garrett supply them. I cant find any maps for my exact kind of wheel. But what this shows me is the T04z produces boost at a much lower compressor RPM then the gtx3582r and the GT3576 that was originally on the car. The t04z at 24psi and 660ish FWHP is spinning at 105,000RPM The GTX3582R at roughly the same is just over 110,000RPM If you follow the gtx3582 map down to 105krpm I would be around the 18psi mark. Also if you do the same on the gtx3576 map it is even lower at around 15psi for the same RPM but much lower power obviously. My current thoughts are that the Mamba exhaust housing are not a good fit for the t04z with a free flowing system (I.e stock system would limit exhuast flow) unless you modify the wastegate and flapper and want a high boost application, how big I cant say yet but 38mm will get you 24 psi. I would go as far to say they are no good for a gtx3582r with free flow exhaust unless you modified it with a 38mm wastegate port and flapper. Anyway I'll drop in an update after I get my options thought out and have a plan about next steps.
  18. Cheers, I emailed them today and have just flicked them an update. I'll let you know how I go getting a response to either.
  19. Jokes on me tonight guys. Does anyone know others that have have turbo that is gtx rear and t40z compressor? Would Be awesome to find someone.
  20. Hah Yep I saw there was a lot of love for the Nizpro over boost valves! Hmm now I'm off to rob a bank!
  21. I <3 Bananas me. Was hoping to go a cheaper route! Rookie mistake I guess.
  22. the tuner did all 3 of these as they recommended it would be needed after the initial run. They did say they had never seen this type of turbo. Am I now screwed because I tried a Mamba turbo. What ither mechanical methods can be tried?
  23. Yeah I was wondering how long the engine will survive at these boost levels? Also Jet, any suggestions to bring boost levels back and controllable?
  24. Yeah on 98...turbo boosts well and holds 24psi all the way to redline but yeah couldn't get it to go any lower. The rear housing is the most likely cause at this stage. The rain is a disappointment but yeah gave me time to think about it all and what's next. Absolutely blew my budget away so also going to have to work on that better for next time.
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