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About appwkc

  • Birthday 24/10/1965

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  1. Happy Birthday appwkc!

  2. Happy Birthday appwkc!

  3. Happy Birthday appwkc!

  4. appwkc

    Happy Birthday appwkc!

  5. appwkc

    Happy Birthday appwkc!

  6. I prefer my style http://www.realsteelrestorations.com.au/Re...20Pty%20Ltd.htm
  7. I have also heard - not seen first hand - that some of the stickons can yellow over time and are difficult to remove if they do yellow. Wayne
  8. Good Question, they are a FPV part so in order to replace my broken one I needed to prove I owned a FPV. Occasionally you will see one on ebay or around. I've been quoted about an hour to replace mine, apparently a tight fit and a pain, so fitting one to a car might be a real of a job. P.S. Mine is replaced under warantee so The wouldn't be over quoting labour too much. Wayne
  9. There appears to be 2 main companies. Car Bra in Melbourne and Robco in Sydney (www.carbras.com.au) I have a robo car bra and Car bra mirror bras. My understanding is that the black is more robust than the coloured material. Be aware that the battery takes air flow from behind the left headlight and the performance cars take their flows from behind the right headlight. Putting plastic over the headlights seriously blocks the airflow. I have punched holes around my carbra headlight plastic to increase air flow. Mirror bras go over the mirrors to keep the bugs off. Wayne
  10. Before AWC disappeared we purchased a Fibreglass v8 bulge to trial costs of a fibreglass V8 bulge version with back vents. It has been made but due to AWC's present position we have decided not to pursue that option. I'll be selling that bonnet off soon to clear the space. We hope to have back vent kits and bonnets available soon after the new equipment arrives but there is a bit more R&D before we can produce the Front vents effectively in bulk. The process of building parts for this has been more intensive than I first thought so sorry for the delays but given the money already invested we will definately get there. I'm presently setting up a business web site so people can keep in touch. I'm trying to get some things ready prior to the FPV day. Hope this updates peoples without clashing with any forum rules. I may be slow but I'm not dead yet! Wayne
  11. Gidday Sorry, I pop on this forum occasionally but haven't been checking this thread. I'm not a regular on this forum and pretty busy at the moment. Metal has been working out a little more difficult than first thought, we are waiting for a new machine from overseas specially designed to shrink the metal and specific metal sheets shipped from interstate. Initial tests show in 43 degree heat at about 100km/hour the front and rear vents drop the bonnet temperature by 3-4 degrees. A bonnet with back vents only help when at low speeds in traffic but onces upto speed (80-100km/h) have limited cooling value as they suck air into the engine bay rather than out. When stationary the rear vents are very effective at cooling. The Person who did my testing has had limited success with other bonnets at dropping the temp and was very impress by initial results. I would need much more testing before the results are definative. Wayne
  12. I doubt many were sold as they had limited appeal. Not saying its a bad colour only that It's a very "unique" colour, very few dealers would touch it without having an order and decent deposit. Wayne
  13. FPV & XR Owners Club Show N Shine : Open to all Fords only. Date: 19th November 2006 Venue: John Knight Memorial Park, Belconnen ACT Townsend Place Belconnen. Cost: $15 per car or $10 for Club members* Times: 8:30am – 3:00pm approx *The cost of the show will register your car to be in the running for trophies and prizes. Trophy categories will be available upon registration. Show n shine Webpage
  14. Bummer, The problem is if you don't rebuild it what would you go to? May have been a dud.
  15. Checked in today - The building of moulds is underway but will take until some time next week to develop the first half of the moulds. It would be possible to develop the vent kits in Fibreglass but the steel versions should work with steel or fibreglass and it will probably work out cheaper to develop in steel for the kit.
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