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  1. What maintenance would you guys start start out with on a 50,000kms fgx xr6t?
  2. Ok so long story short; I bought a 2015 FGX XR6T ute from a ford dealer - was promised the log books would be supplied but they hadn’t received them yet, fast forward 3 weeks I still haven’t got them and now they’re saying “we don’t have the logs yet, but if we don’t get them we’ll provide you a filled out log book”... I find it suss that Ford would have NO history on a car that only just ran out of warranty... it feels like perhaps they’re hiding its history... Anyways now I’m fuming - I didn’t want the log books so that I could resell the car later, so the forged books they’ve offered, mean sh*t to me.. I wanted them so I knew what had and hadn’t been done. Anyways, the car has 3 months of warranty, and I’ve already got it booked in this Thursday for a knock coming from the tail shaft/diff, and a sporadic rattle coming from the engine at idle.. I’m wondering what preventative maintenance YOU would be doing if you were in my position & would you be pushing the dealer to offer more than just forged log books?
  3. NeilFGX

    New Members Thread

    Sup! I’m Neil, got a stock as a rock FGX XR6T last. But just finished a $5k order chasing some reliable power. Added some colour for something different. Anyways here’s a pic:
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