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  1. So I'm moving soon and hopeful that I can take my car with me to the States. Does anyone know how easy that is going to be, or would it even be worth it? As long as I'm not straight out bleeding money, this is something I'd really like to do. I've been looking at shipping companies and what they can do for my specific situation and I found https://www.wcshipping.com/us-car-import Has anyone used this company before, or can offer any others they can recommend? I still have some time, so hoping to make a decision in the near future. I think I will struggle to find a similar car and start working on it from the ground up, so biased towards getting it moved over. But anyways, let me know if it sounds like a good idea and why or why not. Please and thank you!
  2. Having a similar problem. Thankfully, heat isn't an issue right now where I love lol. Thanks
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