was just wondering why people these days usually dont wait until their car actually dies before getting another one and usually start thinking about it after they had one thing after another and its second or third time instead of being thrifty and driving them until they die.
can think of a few reasons
1. they had car for a number of years and get board and want a change and dont want to possibly spend more than cars worth if they don't plan to keep it long enough to get their money worth, or they might again get board and want a change and might see the repair as a good chance to have a change
2. having to get one repair after another is becoming annoying when you just need a decent car (all cars need some repairs but oneday itll catch up).
3. in a position where they have to have a decent car for job/family.
4. want to be able to go places and not wonder every time if car will make it.
if someone has a car that's telling them it might be time to turn it in how do they deal with inconveniences if they don't want to update a newer model or cant afford to or both.
not everyone's in a position to do it for reasons below
1. some cant afford to
2. some don't want to and they're happy with what they got
3. some don't have the room to get a newer daily and still be able to keep the old ones to drive on weekend and a back up daily
how do many people know it might be time to turn a old car in or use it as a backup when they have had 2 or more minor things go one after other even though things might not yet be too bad