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  1. Hey guys I own a xr6t bf Ute witch is very mechanically sound but the interior and exterior have seen a lot Better days now I was looking online and found a cheep very tidy bf xr6 N/A same year and model as my xr6t was thinking about buying it and putting my xr6t engine in it as that would be a lot cheaper then to try and fix my Ute aesthetics my questions would be : How hard it would be ? What will need to be done ? Would it be worth doing ? Thanks for your help
  2. Keegs93

    Any Ideas!!

    Hey, Guys I was hoping to start modding my xr6t and was hopping yous could tell me some good Australian website that sell BF XR6 turbo performance parts other then ebay, I don't really trust the quality I only live in a small mining town so don't have any choice here other then supercheap witch isn't much help to me Cheers For the help
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