just wondering when you got so many other expenses how you’d be able to make things seem easier and to come up with the money more often and still be able to do the other projects too.
asking because car needs heaps work and as it’s daily driver things have to be done as soon as there’s money, and if it wasn’t daily driver and only a weekend car you could go a week without a repair, or if you had more room you could buy a parts car or 2 and make one or 2 decent ones out lot.
whats best medium term fix, have thought of getting another good ed fairmont as had one and was doing it up but had to move it out yard and as there’s no room elsewhere the ef fairmont has to go if you buy a good ed fairmont to be able to fit it.
also can a small spa be mounted in a trailer or even a bath converted to a spa and not weigh too much.
what exactly would you and need to do it
could you do it same way as slide on camper so it can be bolted on and unbolted from trailer to return it to a normal trailer