Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents on an old thread. I have a BA, tried this mod due to there being an intermittent s3 solenoid or "solenoid c" fault showing up. Firstly I cant speak for earlier models but as for the BA when dummying off the s3 and s4 wires at the computer, make sure you use a 5W 27-42 ohm resistor as it needs to be able to handle some current. Secondly the other side of the resistor needs to be connected to VPWR pin 45 on ECC-B connector. NOT GROUND. And laslty, with the ba not having a T bar anymore and not using the manual shifting gate inside the box for 1, 2 , 3..... Doing this mod will make the gearbox no longer select 1st! It will just have 2,3,4. It uses the s3 and s4 some how to hold 1st gear.