Dont need a $200 tool anymore , go to bunnings get 3 × 8mm d shackles $1.44 and 3 x 8mm x50mm long galv bolts .with the y type old school harmonic balancer tool youve already got (40$ at supers) ,
Slip the shackle between the 3 spokes ( with the thread at the back )with the crank bolt out . Then with tools adjuster bolt in (use some flat sheet metal or ply to protect the air con radiator) adjust the adjuster bolt so the tool fits flat , put your 8mm bolts in ( a little fidgetty but quick enough , having all shackles facing the same way do up all bolts loosely then when sure the main adjuster is centred tighten att 3 bolts ,
Then with a big spanner turn turn turn , sure the shackles may take up the slack for a few minuted then it will get harder hit the balancer with some shock ( can help breck the tention bond) keep going till off .. easy as.
Notes:: Just removed snorket fan plug and the 2 x 8mm bolts for the fans , keep close in the holes in the top cross bar (radiator support bar). No radiator removal no damaged nuckles , just asked bro to help with the main bolt , he used plumbers wrench to secure the balancer and an extention pipe on the 22mmx1/2 5 sided socket ) I recomend 5 sided to multi socket so as not to round it or your really stuffed,,,,.also 8mmx40mm bolts were too short stripped thread and bent shackle so did 2nd trip to bunnings so 8mmx50mm gets thread all the way into the shackle,,, dont need the $2:48 hardened one .looked too short anyway the galv ones worked fine
For me this solves the expensive tool problem as kennards ect dont have them to hire, and lube mobile wont even quote on what they rule , half a job, ( no removing it is the job , its the whole job) I even spoke to the sydney call centre supervisor. They didnt want even $80 for a 5 minute job ..All other solutions involved buying the $200 to $300 tool this is max $50 ,,,, thanks for this forum for hints ive used in the past .happy 98ron to you all
I've been trying to post these pics for my post ,
to show that I did do it and then say that the new one from repco (rac member discount came to $185 plus $12 for steel epoxy putty has 3 thredded holes )TA,