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About b_vass

  • Birthday 23/07/1981

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  1. Happy Birthday b_vass!

  2. Happy Birthday b_vass!

  3. Happy Birthday b_vass!

  4. Happy Birthday b_vass!

  5. b_vass

    Your First Car?

    My first car was awesome! It was a Cordia Turbo!!!
  6. Thanks for the response. Is it something I can do ???
  7. hi Guys, I'm wanting to get a full quad zorst. Where would eb the best place to go in melbourne??? Thanks
  8. Yo! I'm looking at gett ing a flash tuner. Was wondering where the best place to go in melbourne is. I've seen the horsepower factory. How do they rate? Does anyone have any other suggestion Cheers Vassy
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a BA Turbo 6 speed manual and of recent whenever I'm rolling or the clutch is or im just sitting at the lights my idle just goes up and down to the point in which it either almost stalls or stalls. This only happens when the clutch is in or in neutral. When I'm driving the car is fine. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem. I hope someone can help me coz im going bald from it! Thanks in advance Cheers Vassy
  10. Hi Everyone, please forgive my stupidity, but can someone please tellme why this ones different to the others ive seen. Is it missing something cheers
  11. how much would something like that cost ya
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