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About darb4

  • Birthday 20/03/1978

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  • Location
    Southern Highlands N.S.W
  1. Happy Birthday darb4!

  2. Happy Birthday darb4!

  3. Happy Birthday darb4!

  4. Happy Birthday darb4!

  5. We made the move from the T to the TTG , The only thing I miss is the rear wheel drive. Now I dont have to worry about the car being too low and we can fit tonnes more in when we go away. We usually turn our cars over every 2 years but we will keep this for a lot longer.
  6. Is it hard to modify the standard bov to get that sound? and whats involved?
  7. Hi all, I was just wondering if the kompact turbosmart bov makes a louder sneeze than the standard bosch one? This question has probably been asked b4.cheers
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