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  1. wouldnt be surprised if linsey fox doesnt wana add it to his collection, lol unless he probly already owns it. having said that I have no complaints about him owning phillip island. if he wants to build a 5 star hotel rite in the middle then as long as it doesnt block my view of the track from the pits then who cares.
  2. may be a bit of a dumb question but if the tyres r seconhand they may be out of round, have a flat spot somewhere on them. if not then common thing is brake shudder especially if youve just been getting in the car and using the stoppers from cold then that would definately be your problem. otherwise if all else weve mentioned has been done and u r 100 percent that alignment and balance are spot on then only leaves bushes or tie rod ends or involves u taking a look at the front suspension to find out. who knows maybe the guys who installed the springs left a bolt out or lose , ive seen it b4 wouldnt surprise me.
  3. lol a pretty good ford tech isnt he. u lowered the car/chassis/body whatever name u wana call it, the diff and engine are still mounted in the same place and level with eachother so the tailshaft would never go out of alignment unless u r actually changing the diff or engine mounts. sounds funny but I have had this on a few cars I have owned and twice it came down to a sh*tty little balance weight falling off or not being correctly balanced to begin with. if all u did was lower the car and everything was fine b4 and u say the wheels r balanced 3 times then the only thing left is brakes or alignment. discounting brakes for now have u had a good alignment?
  4. I run msn messenger live and its working perfectly. has done so all day. no problems here.
  5. yeh no worries , was just waiting for the right time to post on a topic that I could put some valuable input in like so many of the other guru's on this great site. hopefully many more to come. cheers and thanks for the welcome
  6. never done an ed, but as a general rule of thumb normally you start from the centre two bolts and work outwards tighteneing one on each side until you have worked all the way to the end.
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