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  1. UPDATE -- Went over a bump and now the passanger side low beam is shining BRIGHT 😄 Good thing -- It is currently getting power and I didnt mess up the plug replacement. Bad thing -- That'll make it damn hard to fine the looseness in the circuit 😄 Anyone know where there are joins/connections I can manually check to see how they look?? A multi wont do squat to help while it actually works 😄
  2. Sorry that it took nearly 3 years 😄 The ute will actually be for sale in the coming months as I will be moving to live in Japan. (^_^) A few things for sort out to maker her all shiny again.
  3. Yeah, my mind was heading in that direction too. Actual fault instead of a strange glitch. Cheers 😄
  4. I have no clue what there were used/installed for. My guess is it was something audio/video... maybe someone had a sub and amp in there at one stage...?? I ripped them out and threw in the bin. They were not connected to anything at either end.
  5. Hey Guys and Gals, Been a long time since I was on this website since before tonight... A lot of sh*t has happened since then 😄 Right now though, I am looking to solve an issue that I am having with the ute. I have been having an issue with the passanger side low beam (only) not working. A little time ago, I replaced the bulbs with 55/60 blue and the low beam worked (from memory) but the plug on that side, was partly melted -=- Apparently due to someone using too high a wattage bulb (or so I read). Given my current situation, I am neatening the big girl up and try to get her tip top. This is one of the issues I would like to get sorted. What I Have Done: Thursday -- Replaced passager plug (H4 replacement plug from Bursons) with those shrink/solder/seal joiners joining the wires. Today -- Replaced the bulbs with normal 55/60w (normal being not blue) Effect -- nada 😄 High beams work and driver's side low beam works a treat. It is looking like there is a wiring issue a little further back.... I was hoping not. Anyone ran in to this issue with theirs and have a solution?? Cheers millions in advance.
  6. Nothing flagged up as being stolen when the relavent checks were done so, all I can do is assume that it is legit :D
  7. Getting a local mob to reset the leaves and then, I'll deal with the shocks and bushes. Will be a fairly solid idea I think and saves me trying to ship this junk across country. Freight for this kind of thing tends to negate what ever savings can be found unless the gear can be collected. After the suspension is done... Then I'll be looking into helping her breath in better... That'll be fun I think Then a tune That should hurt
  8. Yeah... This is my idea too. Getting the new gear and then I will just get rid of that crap. Hard to see where the earth goes... I've not really looked yet though. LoL thought I'd ask the questions :D ............. bloody toggle switches :'(
  9. So, I am getting my ute rig to a point where it resembles that someone that has a clue has owned it... she's been mucked with by some strange "confident" folk. I did ask the guy I bought it from what this junk was, he didn't know. I am on a mission at the moment to not have no choice from what source my tuna comes from. Looking into the U-FUZE universal AUX and head unit connection and, as I've read, that plugs into a "floating" plug behind the fuzes. Easy enough. 'Cept, main aint floatin' It has the pictured plug in it and is, eventually, linking into these two toggle switches... just have NO CLUE what they'd be for...?? You guys have any idea? Maybe it was a common "mod" at one point. Appreciate it.
  10. So, I am thinking that a Set of Kings FOR-303SL would do the trick, A set of Nolethane bushes and then just work out which shocks I wanna use... I am not planning on competing in any hill climbs but would like the ute to stick pretty well to the blacktop. See what I can find. There is a few options. Rears done would be a day job so long as I am organized (I'd be doing it by my lonesome).
  11. @ROB83R -- Thanks for the tips mate I've had a sticky at the gear McDonals Bros are putting out Always impressive but, WAY outside my needs :D I'll chat to the aforementioned. Appreciate the tips! @OZYWALKER -- The process seems pretty straight forward. The relocating and centering of the axles seems to be the trickiest part of it all :D I've not nailed it down to one shock or the other really. KYB and Bilstein are both great. It'll come down to what I can afford and what is available really. I'd say it'll be a two parter. Rear and then front. Thanks for the bushing tips!
  12. So, I am trying to get this ute back to a point where it resembles that someone has given a sh*t about it at some stage. Getting there I guess... The next step in this process, is what holds the vehicle on the road. I took it in to the local Fulcrum dealer and had them give the old "once over" and it came back confirming things I knew and also telling me of wear that I wasn't aware of but wasn't too surprised to hear. So, on the cards is a front and rear suspension overdoo. A couple of bushes here and there and I think the LCAs needed a bit of loving. None too shocking. The two quotes I got though... Holy christ!! One quote for KYB shocks and the other for Bilsteins. Neither of them are happening. At least not through them. Doing some reading on the changeover process of the rear leafs (as I've not really mucked around with leaves before) and the process seems quote simple. I've been doing some reading on here as to which brand is a decent option. Kings came up, Saw something about Pedders. A lot of these mention "superlow" and that is not something I'm keen to do at all :( The thing is too bloody low now (partly due to the sadness of the suspension gear I think). I am not a stance kid and I am not looking to join that club. Just want a usable bloody ute :D Standard or 1 inch lower than would be fine I think. New nolethane bushes are available and VERY cost effective which I LOVE!!! Pointers as to where I ought to be looking? PS - Any tricky points about changing over the rear leafs in these or is it as straight forward as it looks? Thanks in advance
  13. I know this is a "please remotely diagnose my vehicle" kinda thing but, If it is a "known" issue, maybe you guys can point me in the right direction. Conked out only once, noticed the struggling to maintain idle a few times now. I have a 2003 BA turbo ute running the auto 4spd. No known mods. Have these things got known MAF/MAP issues? One struggle - Was waiting at a set of lights where it started "searching" and then just went back to normal idle. Car was warmed up already. Nothing unusual. Conk Out - Leaving a shopping center, going slowly due to stupid speed pumps, started "searching", died. Put into 'P', started, drove off with no further issues... Anyone got a clue?
  14. Didnt I say Intake Manifold..?? Thought I had. Yeah, I am looking into making a few piping changes and this MIGHT be a say to simplify some of it. I am not at all familiar with the fuel setup on these yet so, I'll have to check that out... Not really something I want to much with if I don't have to.
  15. I have been looking at the TB relocatoin. Makes things a lot simpler. But, recently saw the engine bay on an F6. The intake manifold SEEMED a lot simpler than the one on my rig... Does the F6 intake mani fit on the BAs with minimal fuss?? Aside from that idea... I'd be keen enough to just get the relocation and get things simpler that way.
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