FAARK 3K for insurance? you guys must love your t's to spend 60 bucks a week on insurance. I am 28, mrs is 24, we got insurance through racq cost like 750 bucks with like 750 excess for me and like 1250 excess for mrs, I thought that was bull sh*t expensive. I would not bother having a t if it cost me 60 bucks a week in insurance, dont get me wrong I like fast cars and my xr6t, but come on 3k a year on insurance, how can you justify that?????? if that was me paying 3k a year I thinks I would flog the pisser out of it, jump it, drag it, enter burn out comps you name it, try and kill it and then happen to have it stolen every 2 years for new replacement clause in insurance, what are they going to do put the premiums up even more???? insurance companies can