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About RJF6

  • Birthday 11/08/1984

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    Cars, music, family and keeping fit

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  1. got some time to look at it on Saturday morning and after pulling out a couple of spark plugs I noticed they were dry, so I got the wife out to turn the key while I had a screw driver between my ear and the fuel rail and nothing no flow, drained tank as it was full and removed pump, discovered the line from the pump to the lid(that the lines connect to) had broken off, So new fuel line in and off she went. I had mistaken some vibrations I felt in the rail while roadside as I sign of fuel flow and I was wrong! :( I put a new o2 sensor in just cause I was working on the car and I also noticed that the battery negative clamp is loose, the bolt thread is stuffed couldn't tighten or undo it. I'll sort it out when I have some more time. Tip for young players: do not try and remove fuel pump with a full tank LOL. I was lucky to have disconnected the fuel line at the filter thinking it could be blocked, after waiting for the line to empty its self of fuel for a minute I noticed it was being gravity fed, as the tank was full and the lines come from almost the bottom of the tank! (sh*t idea) Thanks for your replies guys, I'm slowly learning about this car
  2. Did it turn over? Mine cranks fine just won't start
  3. Hey guys thanks for the replies, so I can feel fuel vibrating through the rail when it's priming, I will disconnect the return line and make sure today, with the sct plugged in it is reading rpm while cranking so a guess the cas is working, is there anything else that could cause it to lose injector pulse and spark? Left it for a few hours while I was at work, tried to start again no good, tried holding throttle to the floor to turn off injectors in case it was flooding, and nothing just keeps cranking not even a cough out of it
  4. Hey guys, After some advice, today I was driving to work.... nek minute I wasn't! The car just stopped no cough no stutter just went from cruising along to engine off, dash all lit up as it does when you turn on the accessories, engine cranks over just won't start, I didn't have much time to look at it as I was heading to work just had it towed home, tomorrow I'll get hold of a scan tool and see what it says, I can hear the fuel pump priming and can feel fuel flowing in the rail, So I'm thinking no spark and or no injector pulse, Has this happened to anyone else? Ba mk2 F6 114,000k's 60lbs injectors sct tune that's about it
  5. Same dick beating P plater drove slow AF down this road, when we got to dual lines to enter the round about I moved right to overtake him, he pulls right and cuts me off, I move left and pass him on the outside lane, he floors it half way through the round about to not let me pass and spins out and off the road hahaha That made me feel good, none was hurt only has ego, I hope he has learnt to to be a dick beater!!
  6. RJF6

    New Members Thread

    Hey dudes, Been lurking around the forum for a while thought I should post here, I am the new owner of a ba mk2 F6 after a long history with Jap cars this is my second "performance ford" (I had a turbo tx3 as a p plater). Must say I really like the car although I think the last owner wasn't really nice to it, I've been going over it slowly and servicing it and I'm planning on doing some more modding to get it where I'm really happy driving it. At the moment it has 60lbs injectors, walbro pump, high flow cat and a xcal4. My plans are cooler (looking at aero flow 600x300x100), exhaust, Clutch, coilovers and swaybars. first I need to fix boost spike and rear end knocking probably diff bushes! that was the First thing I did too haha, I hear you on missing the jap cars these things are just not as agile.
  7. update. After some more driving I started to hear some exhaust leaks, mostly on cold start, I found a few exhaust leaks in the little time I had to go over the car, changed fuel filter and gearbox oil, also tried to bleed the clutch but I think there is an issue there seems to be sucking in air, further investigation needed :( But fuel consumption has dropped down to 13ish lt/100kms happy with that. Thanks for the help guys
  8. thanks mate, yeh I plan on running a manual one
  9. Yeh ya Never get under a car only supported by a jack, I just did my oil for the first time car only took 5.5 lts of new oil and 5.5 is all that came out, I ended up driving up on to some wood blocks to change mine to, easier then using a jack and stands, oil filter came out pretty easy by hand no tool required, remember to run a film of oil over the rubber seal on the new filter and don't tighten the sh*t out of it, then hopefully next time around it will come out easy again.
  10. Hey guys, I've had a search and could not find anything, I'm wanting to know if anyone has changed the standard boost gauge for another one (that shows actual boost level) and what is involved in doing this, I've read that the stock gauge is an electronic one and has no boost/vacuum line going to the actual gauge, is this correct? Sorry if this has been covered before but I couldn't find it!
  11. Yeh I'll have a good look over it, it's way to thirsty, maybe dud o2 sensor or some exhaust leaks
  12. Yeh that sounds a lot better on the pocket, need to sort that out ?
  13. Well the first tank I got about 500klms of 6th gear freeway driving from Sydney back home, second tank driving to and from work and a bit of a hoon on the weekend 320klms pretty poor I thought!! Car is telling me it's averaging 15 odd lt/100ks, and I hardly hit boost during the week is that considered bad for one of these? ?
  14. as far as I know o2 sensors adjustments are not used at WOT only at cruise, could definitely be stuffed though being 11 years old and contributing to poor fuel economy, I cant hear any noticeable exhaust leaks but that doesn't mean they are not there, so I will have a good look for them. As for me thinking its in the tune its an argument that makes sense, I've heard the car ping (big time) and I'm guessing that at the times it feels flat its because the car has hit R&R before an audible knock, I started this topic (being a noob) to learn about the limits of the standard parts I'm still using so I could gain a little extra power, and thanks to your comments and the info on the forum I have completely changed approach on this.(Although still an absolute noob) now I'm thinking turn it back to a safer level and save some coin before reaching for more!! and here is the dyno graph!!
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