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Everything posted by MBAF

  1. Better off skipping dinner than breakfast
  2. She cant be serious surely?? Happy to show her what hard is if she really wants... no not my cawk, in before you pelicans
  3. doesn't work. that was weeks ago, ive since installed windows twice and built a new machine. Still the same on 3 different pcs and a laptop. likely caching on the website/server side but we all know keith will argue its tomato sauce. that or its related to an add on of sorts been down this road before....
  4. 100% euro cars come with a high service and parts cost. Just how it is...free servicing or even capped servicing still comes with parts costs etc
  5. more than plenty and more so now with todays "entitled" society. Most of them are a scrubbers
  6. its a given any time he works on it.....I expect better of you BCB
  7. kick the bitch in the karnt annnnnd anyway why do they need to be in daycare if she is at home all day!??
  8. there is a problem......yeah @k31th works on the forum 😂 on log in sweet cheeks, been doing it for weeks
  9. keith was just being keith, telling everyone that what they like is sh*t because he said so 😂🤣
  10. if keith said its SH*T mate, its SH*T 😂😂
  11. anyone here a computer technician in the Sydney area??
  12. Never played pubg, but I do enjoy playing fortnite with randoms and talking smack, a lot of people bag it but I can see why it works. Will check out ROE
  13. Upkeep cost but it doesn’t get upkept lol
  14. Pubes don’t confirm your mental age rab
  15. if I remember correctly though you have more hair on your chest
  16. what did I miss? you getting the sand from your vagina cleaned out again @Rab?
  17. in a sense she is right, that it shouldn't be that hard, but for it to not be "that hard" both parties need to work together to allow things to naturally progress in all aspects and that's where most of the issues lay (not just within your relationship I mean) and helping her understand that will make things all the more easier for both of you. I went all through so I have plenty of experience (which sucks and its damn hard work) but if you ever need a chat or the likes feel free to drop me a PM
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