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Everything posted by MBAF

  1. Yep, nothing. No damage to me at all. *beep* be focking crazy I tell you.
  2. I did, the knowledge that I spend waaaaaaaaaaay to much money. I do have some stuff for sale though 7800x cpu Phantek Evolve Anthoo 1080ti coolermaster AIO if anyone has interest in the above, let me know before I advertise them else where
  3. obviously I have Alzheimer's or dementia im guessing 😕
  4. no legit cop and a smash repairer. lady is taking in her car to get inspected on Saturday
  5. nope, just people trying to get something out of nothing...usual scammy focks
  6. soo.....apparently I was in a car accident yesterday. Long story short apparently I left the crash site and cops are trying to get hold of me and the lady is trying to get her car repaired 😂
  7. got bored, just ordered this for the time being
  8. Heading to the beach for a run and 🏊‍♂️ #hardlyf
  9. Omg new Supercars mustang is flocking hideous 🤮🤢
  10. Low fat yoghurt/granola and a banana for brekky. Not to a bad way to start the day
  11. Start off setting yourself some short term goals and make yourself accountable for reaching those goals take some pics of yourself and note down your weight, but don’t get drawn into taking pics every week or weighing yourself constantly as it will be 4weeks before you notice any changes in your self (even though they are happening) and the small changes that are happening will seem insignificant and that’s where the negativity sets back in Also your diet is crucial, more than attending the gym. Diet is everything and 80% of your regime and remember moderation is a word you need to focus on if you get a little slack. A kit Kat once maybe every 2 weeks is not going to kill your diet but 1 everyday might. Work out what calories you need and work on how you will burn the excess energy from there you will be sweet
  12. having abs and weighing 50kg wet doesn’t count 😘
  13. Xr6td do a bolt in can that’s about 200 bones that vents back to the intake and mounts up in the engine bay nicely. that's an an option if it’s affordable
  14. eat more and lift heavy stuff 3 times a week and you will put on weight to start with. 5kg is a massive amount of muscle and wont take long...huge difference you feel me
  15. aint no body got time for a new kitchen....gaming and porn in 2/4k is where its at, unless you have VR...Porn In vr is fun haha you don't give me enough reach arounds anymore... on another note, took this 7800x into a pc shop to get some documentation so I can claim on insurance.....well that didn't work out..couldn't diagnose it at all....PSU tested fine. didn't have a 2066 in the shop to be able to test CPU. Completely over it and got no paper work to be able to claim it...not going to rebuild it again so going to cut my losses and sell most of the gear. Guy destroyed the paint work on my case too 😕
  16. then you have never had abs winning appeals and getting my way (hence why I couldn't commit to the travel plans) come one man keep up!
  17. I know where there is a nice spare 1080ti for sale..... go decent gpu and 1440p @ ultra and you will start playing it much more. cpu will hold up fine and it has a little room if you wanted to get a few more Mhz out of it
  18. bishes love abs and Im going back to doing cool sh*t for a living rather than being retired so need to get fit
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