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About Little-miss

  • Birthday 11/04/1997

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  1. I have a kluger butNo ?? I love my turbo! Just don't fit behind the wheel at this stage!
  2. Hahaa vz no longer runs, pit inspectors didn't like his 1/4 Mile times left in the glovebox! Ls1 is currently being put in a caprice ready for power cruise in October (we all know what state I'm from now?)
  3. You can come do it for me if you'd like. I'm not allowed to leave the labour ward ?
  4. I'd be lying if I said I knew how to do a burn out. In saying that, my rear tyres are on wire, so obviously my partner has that covered for me ?
  5. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1661451530838106&id=100009198261086&set=a.1402297160086879.1073741827.100009198261086&source=48 a closer photo if that helps! Mind my surface rust on my breaks, she doesn't get driven much now I'm on maternity leave :( not too sure if the link will work. Can someone please also tell me how to post photos on here ?
  6. Turbo! Not really modified apart from being lowered, after market blow off and battery relocation
  7. This escalated quickly ? Yes, pictures off my Facebook cover photo, not too sure why the comment thing is in Japanese though. They have a L kind of thing in the centre of them if that helps? Getting 2 new tyres put on this week so will check insides and is most definitely a turbo! Not really modified apart from battery relocation and aftermarket blow off
  8. anyone able to identify my rims? need to track down a spare!
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