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  1. thanks for that, it was just something I was wondering about
  2. was just wondering if anyone knows why my ba turbo doesnt have cup holders in the backseat. all other ba xr6 n/a have them ( that ive seen)
  3. toddy

    New Members Thread

    I found this site throuhg a link on fordmods . cmo which im also a member.
  4. learning to drive these turbos is a real art ive been driving a 351 fairlane for 15 years brouht the ba and lost it on the first corner
  5. toddy


    well thanks again 190 rwk is what I expected. I will get it dyno tuned when I can get to the city cant do any mods, got warranty till 2010
  6. toddy


    thanks, its a auto
  7. toddy


    hi, I just brought a XR6TURBO a few months ago . I was just wondering how much rwk it has standed. its a 2004 BA,any info would be great thanks
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