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  1. http://carsales.mobi/cars/details/Ford-Territory-2006/SSE-AD-4158974
  2. So I've just had the centre control unit in the dash replaced in my TTG, but neglected to remove the CDs from the stereo 1st hahaha oops! Is there a way I can power up the old unit just to remove the CDs without reinstalling it? Or would it just be easier to go replace the CDs? Anybody else had the drama of replacing the control unit?
  3. Hey all, was wondering if anybody could answer this please. I have to replace the ICC unit in my 06 TTG, can only get one from a regular Ghia. Is the silver panelling of the standard Ghia unit removable so I can replace it with the piano black panelling that is in my TTG? Thank you in advance
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