Took the xr6 for a drive today noticed when stopped at lights it was idling rough and a vibration, put it in neutral wasn't as bad. After looking through the forum I think it might be engine mounts stuffed. any ideas and easiest way to check the mounts
Took the falcon for a short drive today and noticed the battery light on the dash come on, couple minutes later it stalls then wouldn't start, got it jump started thend put it in drive and it stalls again any ideas before I ring auto electrician ?
Na engine with turbo mods and tuned it with Sct x4 rewired it himself windscreen front and rear have no seal around them lots of other small things when I bought it I knew the engine was stuffed but had no idea 4 holes through the block 2 each side 1 was big enough to fit tennis ball in
Definitely something strange going on, when stopped at the lights it stalls and feels sluggish no codes showing up any one have any thing similar to this
Only been about 2 months havent put that many ks on it, me thinks it a dirty fuel filter by going thru the forums gunna have a look tomorrow. For some reason the fuel smells different could be me though
Ba xr6t has been running rough the last couple of days and at the lights it cut out twice today, any ideas on what it might be. gunna ring the tuner on monday to see if he knows whats up