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  1. Hey there, are we still good to go regarding the floor mat, if we are I'll give you my address and pay for the postage - cheers mate....Rick


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rickynlisa


      Gee Dog you're a legend, mate give me your bank details I'll send it straight through

    3. Rickynlisa


      You can send them to my phone GeeDog if you wish its 0450632501

    4. Gee-dog


      The mats were posted early this morning - hopefully will arrive early next week.




  2. Hey guys, somebody was kind enough too offer me some floor mats, but I lost all of my content!
  3. HELP!! Floor Mats - Hey there everyone, does anybody know where I can get a set, (I actually only need the front passenger side), of beige/cream floor mats, I'm at my wits end!! I want the ones with the G6E logo on. The front passenger side mat is worn out - any help would be appreciated, I found 1 set on Ebay in Victoria, I'm in Queensland, but he would not post, go figure!!!
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