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ROB83R last won the day on February 9 2017

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  1. I don't have a pic but I've got a length of hose that runs from there and I've snaked it under my intake and around my airbox and I've stuck it into my left chassis rail. Only reason I've done it like that is to make it inconspicuous. Same as running a catch can.
  2. Probably still trying to decipher the fill procedure haha!
  3. Best practice is to do a complete fluid flush after installing the cooler. I just topped mine up with some genuine liquid gold @$30 a litre. Roughly 250ml should get the level back right. Do you know the process of checking the level?
  4. The joys of buying used cars mate.
  5. You'll have to pull the box to check it.
  6. Before this guy slaps a clutch in it check out the slave cylinder. Make sure it isn't shagged. It's a common issue. If it has leaked fluid but you'll need a new clutch anyway. If it's the slave make sure you put a billet one in there not the oem Ford one.
  7. Plenty more at the wreckers mate.
  8. Got a better one for you @k31th I log out on every session now to prevent this but it seems as though I'm being logged back in automatically on return. Like I'd never signed out. It's happened a few times now in a row.
  9. Same from turbo to cat I believe then it turns pear shaped after that.
  10. Definitely pm @JETURBO he's the gun near you. You can pm me who you took it to. There's a couple good shops near you that I don't think would have that attitude with you. Definitely sounds like they've damaged something while in their care.
  11. I recommend getting the Dremel out and cutting some holes in the bottom part of your air box. Usually a rectangle hole across the front of the bottom half which sits behind the headlight. You'll notice a little bit more with it opened up.
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