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Everything posted by BAXRTUTE

  1. The wind chill factor is better! You'll understand when u buy a T
  2. Is that why u beat Jet these days? Lol
  3. I use to call my mum a carnt before I even had a phone... but im fuked in the head and loved the jug cord beltings. And the misses wonders why I like the chains today lol
  4. I dont really want to sell it, I want to rent it out... but atm no real estate will go near it until the final finding are made public. I was renting it for $570 a week until 8mths ago and now its just costing me $3100 a month which is a killer on top of the house I live in now which is $4700 a month. Gotta lay a truckload of tiles to cover my bills atm. But no point complaining as nothing can be done.
  5. Ahh Barnz u work at Amberly base hey? U know a bloke by the nic name Willow? His an engineer.
  6. U can bomb the sh!t out of it.. it would do me a huge favor... the house is only 9yrs old and I cant sell it or rent it out atm... stupid raaf contamination sh!t, And since its not in the contamination zone I cant get anything from the government. So yeah please bomb it as insurance would have to cover it lol
  7. MBAF I had a feeling u were a bike riding pain in the arse, all the raaf boys love it. U should be blocked from this site asap... KIEFY GET HIM!!

    ute register

    Mate I do over 1000km a week. The blocks are built to travel. Right tuna ans mods will make it a better car all over. Also my fuel is only 40km less a tank but give it a hiding and 150+km less a tank. 3-5k will get a big smile happing
  9. I was at williamtown air show for the F111 last ever run. Ut was a beast. Not only could u not hear it coming... when it hit itvwas gone before u knew what was going on.
  10. The F111 is my favorite!!, DUMP AND BURN BABY!!!! Makes ya dic move in person lol
  11. I live 30 mins from williamtown but lived in Medowie for 6yrs and still own the house there....which is pretty much a raaf built town 5km from raaf williamtown. See these bad boys daily and have a few mates in the raaf. For $2300 u can go in a F16 for a 20minute ride. Been and done!! And myboath its worth every second
  12. Hahaha, Jet u trained Ms Fluffs well...or she trained you? Hmmm
  13. Seeing a peanut in a vt 5lt ss try run me off the lights, Lucky for me only 10 minutes earlier id been down that road in the opposite direction and new the boys in blue hard set up behind a power box, Pretty funny tovsee this vt go as hard as possible to pull over 300m up the road for a fine. Guess I won?
  14. Vote for the sex party!! Problem solved
  15. Farkkkkk yeah! Skids and vids asap... then give me a go?
  17. TC is for Nannas! No TC at all in my ute... though arse clenching is a daily occurrence lol How are you all today?? Think plenty of us had a pretty crap Monday.
  18. Atomic kit has just about everything covered in the 698 phase 2 BUILD the Spool covers all the main parts only! its about $2500 difference in price then having it all put together and into my car...which will be around 10-12k with gear box, tail shaft, diff, the 472 other things that will come up along the way lol. The 3k is for getting the cars fixed plus re-spay my whole car.
  19. Nope! He turned off and I had to pull over to talk with the person id hit... not happy. Guess re-spray comes earlier now.. was in the plans already, just was hoping to do it at the end of the yr when I do my next lot of mods and stuff. Has also pushed me back towards Spool kit instead of Atomic.. bout 3k killed in the budget.
  20. this is what happens when some fuktard with a boat takes the turning lane and my lane to turn....... = me swerving to miss him and hitting the car next to me!, old mate with the boat can go about his day why im waiting for insurance bill as im at fault. Carrrrrrrrnt
  21. Makers on the rocks will fix ya!! Or a cold glass of E85 lol
  22. Hey Isaac are you sure you only have 62lb injectors? I have the same and maxed em at 16.5psi well 85% maxed You sure they aren't ID1000?
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