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About mattxr

  • Birthday 29/04/1983

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  1. Happy Birthday mattxr!

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  2. Happy Birthday mattxr!

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  3. Happy Birthday mattxr!

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  4. Im considering the same change from my XR. Have read plenty of reviews saying how good they are and must admit I am a big fan. Do you use as a daily? And is it liveable?
  5. Last time I bought mine from e-bay. St George Tyres Sydney. Really good price compared to what most of the places around Melbourne wanted. I did get them fitted at mswt.com.au in Derrimut and the blokes there told me that they get them, and get them quite cheap. You could try there, not sure of pricing though.
  6. I have a HDI cooler kit that I have just removed off my car that I'm looking to move on. PM if you might be interested.
  7. Got a bit of daylight today after work so got it all fitted up. Fitted up alright after a bit of trial and error, might only run into problems if/when I run a plumb back BOV. With the GFB venting one I have I could just cap the return hole. Thanks everyone for the reassurance that it would fit.
  8. Thanks for your help guys, will fit up on the weekend and post a few pics.
  9. Ha yeh needs a wipe off. Thanks mate, it looks like my breather and BOV return are in different spots to yours!! The best fit had the BOV return so close to fuse box I couldn't even fit a cap on it.
  10. Thanks Henz, they are side by side on there site also. Stazza-Brendan a Pic would be good, when I fitted it up they BOV return was tight against the fuse box.
  11. Hi all, Ordered a 4 inch intake the other day, received it today. It just doesn't look right. All the pics I can find including on here and on there web site show the BOV and breather next to each other. As above mine are offset, that aint right yeh? Its not just me? Tried to fit it and there is just no way it will work. Anyone have one that can put my mind at ease.
  12. Just had a look at mine, it is recessed in the throttle body but no hole right through. Not sure why or if that could be the problem.
  13. Mate, that looks amazing. Love it, the FG front bar looks good and those wheels are horn!!!
  14. Looks fantastic, love the originality. 50k is a small price to pay for that kind of custom work.
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