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Everything posted by ratter

  1. ID's and possibly most ev14 injectors will operate to around 7 or 8 bar, but scaling needs to be done correctly
  2. not if it's a back up caused by the reg not flowing enough
  3. the tune can be altered for the high pressure so in theory nothing may be wrong, fuel trims would confirm this
  4. I did some testing to give me a possible scenario and then replaced it and confirmed my diagnosis, you need to trust your tuner can diagnose it for you though, not go to them with info you have got from the net.
  5. my comments still stand re needing a tune for different fuel pressure, but to be honest if your pressure was high it is only going to be at idle and low rpm only so really a full re tune is not going to be required, this is based on what I have seen in the past, but your afr's are not your power problem
  6. although you tune will require adjusting with different pressure, your afr is not causing your problems
  7. fix it correctly, could save your life or more importantly, somebody elses
  8. lol, who me? Bel calls me a smart arse all the time
  9. interesting, we have been told that it can't be done at all, as a tuner with current software, we can not even communicate with the box at all, I was under the impression that Herrod could not even do it, only the previous supplier or somebody with a real early version of advantage.
  10. does that mean I'm one of the best because you know me?
  11. which is why it will use a little more to do the same work
  12. fix your blown brake light
  13. will use a little more 100 to do the same distance as 98, but the main point is once tuned, you need to use the same fuel
  14. how is anyone going to know what programmes are on it?
  15. you can not use it at all, hopefully you can get your money back
  16. post a pic of it as there are different types. Did you buy it new or 2nd hand? Did you give your ecu strategy number when purchasing?
  17. yeah it gets out of hand pretty quickly, Johnny would have spent a few dollars now at different shops
  18. the first time the flash tuner is used it saves a copy of the tune that is in the car and yes, ford can still tell
  19. if your car is tuned in closed loop and is in good condition and tune is good, the car is already getting the cleanest fuel economy already and your driving style may need to change
  20. any bend will not allow it to seat 100% on it's seat
  21. not really big gains but NA you need to get what ever you can where you can
  22. yes it's an eight if you want hp multiply it by 1.34 cammed will make no difference
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