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Everything posted by ratter

  1. best bit of advice is not to spend any money until you have either done it yourself or had somebody do some diagnostics on it. Way to many people follow every bit of advice that others give them and end up spending a heap of money of things that were not needed
  2. some BA's are getting around 12 years old now, who knows what condition they are like inside, anything would be a guess
  3. to have a tune that is "safe" without the air intake sensor input, you will be lacking power in other temperature ranges
  4. The Process West FG group buy is finishing on Monday, if contemplating taking advantage of the cheaper prices, now is the time to act
  5. the location of the sensor on the Barra is pretty much perfect
  6. at cruise speeds there is not much air consumption so the air in the cooler is getting cooled for longer, when accelerating this cold air will pass into the manifold, past the IAT sensor and drop the temps
  7. Many older cars used to have solid mounted radiators
  8. both cars were stock cars, no idea what they were like before hand, as some cars we only see when a customer is chasing issues but when asked both believed they were fine but I have learned that many people do not notice certain behaviours until something else has been done and they start paying attention
  9. Another thing to think about Pretty much every Automatic car ever made has had water to oil cooling, that's almost every manufacturer, every model, millions and millions of cars, how many have issues? I personally have seen 2 ZF heat exchangers fail and a similar one on a Golf about 8 years ago. And have also seen 2 cars that owners have fitted air to oil coolers on stock FG's and now do not like their shifting and yes the oil level was corrected, one of them was around 60k klms can't remember the other one though
  10. Do not assume fitting a new Ford heat exchanger will mean complete trans repair/replacement if it fails within the parts warranty period, speak to the dealer you are purchasing it from and get them to put it in writing on letterhead. My local dealer does not think it would be covered and if it happened to be it would be on a pro rata system and dependent on cars history and mods.
  11. John, have you tried removing the return line from the surge into say a bucket and seeing if your pressure is lower
  12. ratter


    Many suppliers will sell them modified to fit a t3 housing and t4 are not internal
  13. HP tuners is getting better all the time but is still behind SCT on Ford but many are still getting good results from HP Results should normally be based on what sort of effort the person doing the tune is doing, but there have been instances where HP does not have access to some areas that are needed when there may be a torque management issue etc. I asked HP years ago about a certain table that affected torque management in BA 4 Speeds that was and is still missing and the request fell on deaf ears, although they are listening these days. Many people, including some being paid to do the job only do basic adjustments (and sometimes not even in the correct areas) and in minimal time, so may not come across any issues
  14. I tune as a living so have both SCT and HP, and when I give an opinion it is questioned as being biased so have got to the point of not trying to do comparisons. As a do it yourselfer, you only have HP tuners to use, with the way both systems operate at the moment you may be forced to return the car to stock and then get a dealer to reload a factory tune before you can start to tune
  15. not something that the tuner has any control over at all, we have never had the option whether to lock or leave a tune unlocked
  16. A sct tuner does not have the option of locking a tune at all
  17. ratter


    The T3 flange would be holding back the big GTW according to my supplier
  18. ratter


    the complete turbo with the ford rear housing is available from many places, it's just a couple are indicating they are the only ones selling them, they are a modified item
  19. Recently had a car that was previously tuned with HP and the SCT would not make changes in some areas until it was reflashed by a dealer
  20. genuine ID's have their logo laser etched on the stainless collar
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