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Everything posted by ratter

  1. time and a place for everything... a wedding and in front of the public is not one of them
  2. not if the tune is good,
  3. kick down has been left deliberately so there is acceleration in an emergency situation if required, rather than being in a gear too high with little acceleration
  4. kick back happens at any throttle position if the box is in the wrong gear in auto mode, but in manual mode it will still drop back for example 4th gear if nailed 100 % will kick back to 3rd under 120 kmh. yes it can be tuned out I'm pretty sure but have never tried it, could be dangerous
  5. clutch pack clearances are critical to correct shifting, even a different brand of clutch plate can alter this, different shims and thickness steels are available also but one does not just stick a new clutch pack in without doing all the tolerance checks
  6. Will still kick down in manual mode
  7. no worries, there's no trimming for starting or wot only in closed loop
  8. wasn't sure if it was just a troll post or not?
  9. knock detection depends on how many degrees of retard the tuner has allowed, it will not go into limp mode if it exceeds this amount and still pings, it will go into ventilated block mode
  10. closed loop only trims to a certain percentage
  11. factory tune with that actuator will still have issues
  12. was the compressor wheel the same size? I'm assuming no if the cover had to be machined
  13. Save your money? Hold off the tune and get a pw stage 1
  14. I don't use DD but my understanding from when I was looking at them is the numbers are, the air temp is normally a number entered by the operator based on weather data, the it is a sensor that can be placed somewhere on the car, normally it's placed in the air box, but that is not going to tell you the temp inside the inlet manifold
  15. some cars show absolute no signs for normal driving, but have seen 1 FG that was noisy at idle, another FG that ran really rough at idle and some will just trigger the engine light
  16. that does not measure the actual air in intake so would not show any relevant information
  17. another FG in the shop at the moment with incorrect valve timing
  18. cooler should make more power
  19. FG is stronger, you need a b series one or get a tune
  20. stock clean filter on a FG flows as much as a K&N at 300 rwkw
  21. some cars use a volumetric efficiency table (VE) for tuning, the falcon does not
  22. disabling the second o2 is to stop the engine light coming on from a failed cat test, this o2 has very little to do with the operation of the car
  23. yes but have a feeling you might have mixed up what cat control is compared to what gets adjusted??
  24. agree with what you say but .9 lambda may not be a problem if the tune is set up for that, not that I would run that lean
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