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Everything posted by ratter

  1. another phrase comes to mind "happy wife, happy life" he has to live with her and only those 2 know his exact financial situation but then again another phrase comes to mind " it's easier to ask for forgiveness than asking for permission"
  2. The ford ecu does not have a flex sensor input to even think about tuning for variable ethanol content
  3. trutrac is not going to help with 1/4 mile times unless factory diff is single wheeling
  4. I have the Bosch data, there I'd more to injector data than just the slopes which is what most people think. We have had no issues with supplied data if the fuel system is operating correctly
  5. Got a link to the bosch release? my bosch data has them rated at 3 bar which is what Bosch and most manufacturers test them at, of course any injector will flow more at higher pressure until a point where they cant handle the pressure
  6. most tuners can make most injectors appear to work correctly, but having correct data that is not producible in a workshop environment can mean a better operating injector and car, but back to the main point, they are 980cc injectors
  7. The 1150 injectors are not 1150, fools are being tricked into thinking they are, they are 980 when tested by Bosch's and pretty much everybody else's methods. You will get no benefit from them and actually go backwards as KPM and ID both supply accurate tuning data for our ecu's. Some if this data can not be accurately produced in a workshop environment so the tuner has to guess these numbers. Yes we have used these injectors before and they can be made to work. We have a car at work making over 450 rwkw on E85 and the 1000cc injectors that it came in with are over 95% duty cycle
  8. I know what Jim does, but the "small turbo" is the "small turbo" because it has a small compressor wheel, putting a bigger compressor wheel would mean it is not the small turbo anymore. Are you are Caltracs for traction or to stop axle tramp? if for traction you need more than just the springs, if for tramp, there are cheaper options which would be more streetable. p.s. I still think his mums clutch is not operating correctly
  9. I think your mums clutch might have issues then
  10. we can look at it, but we can not adjust another tuners tune if it was done with SCT, but yours appears to be done with HP but even so we would start from scratch with SCT due to some issues, but it is something I could not even quote as there are so many unknowns, we are often fixing issues that other shops can't or will not fix
  11. yeah I know, I have all sorts of issues with this site,
  12. Rab, not so much on street cars unless they are driven on the limit most the time but valve springs are a consumable items in many forms of motorsport
  13. have not had an issue with the few we have done, what is the measured stroke with no preload on them?
  14. if it was sct you would get the flashbox, you can not do an sct tune without the flash box
  15. what's the problem with the turbosmart actuators?
  16. does it do it when the car is up to operating temp as well? Tuned with SCT or HP? Does it do it if the car is returned back to stock?
  17. pretty obvious that would be who he would ask
  18. I can not edit that post but it should start with " when purchasing"
  19. we purchasing the clutch from the supplier, be honest about what you want from it and how you will be driving it and even how sticky a tyre you will be using, all of that should be considered to get the best one for you
  20. I try not to give out right brand recommendations because I have been accused of "cash for comments" in the past by some idiots As far as the clutch goes, if it is a week end only car that you intend on giving a hard time the cerametalic will probably be a better choice but do not expect it to last long as far as normal wear goes. Not all HD clutches have hard pedals, the Mal Wood option 3 and 3+ feel almost stock like and many people we have fitted them to in the past say they are lighter than stock, I do not think this is true I think they were comparing to their shagged out clutches
  21. cerametalic is noisier, the initial bite is harsher, even on sprung ones, they will wear out quicker in normal driving situations but they handle more power, clamping pressure and diaphragm design is what normally affects pedal feel
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