there is way more than SCT which is more than HP, but we can not flash the TCM, but is going to be rectified very shortly.
It was released to the public 3 or 4 weeks ago, but there is varying levels of software choice and the lower levels do not have the same coverage as the workshop level.
At this stage it flashes direct to the ecu and takes 54-59 seconds to flash to the ecu, I'm sure it will take a little longer once it communicates with the tcm, but I believe that we will have the choice of flashing to it or not, just like we do with SCT and HP.
Yes 3 credits per car, but the car can only leave the workshop with one tune installed, there is talk of some sort of flash device at a later date.
The TCM temp thing seems to be a ZF thing so still may be an issue, time will tell.