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    Motorbikes (on & off-road), Aussie cars, good wine, good food, good chocolate, V8 Supercars.
  1. Nitro, I'd love to as it would help with the cost of the new ones! Unfortunately though I will have to store them in my garage indefinitely as I would need them in future when I sell to ensure authenticity of this classic (and hopefully collectible) Sprint. Pain in the arse taking up space in the garage but it is the right thing to do, I'm sure. Sorry . . . Cheers, Brian.
  2. Hi .Stripes. (love that GT name!), Yeah, I'd really like the smoke too. It is just that I know myself these days and the poor 'ol girl (car, not wife) would sit in the garage and driveway looking dirty for most of her life. I simply wouldn't keep her as clean as she deserves to be kept. White hides a multitude of sins and would look better more often. Not saying she'd never get washed but, these days, I know my time limitations and white will HAVE to be the ultimate colour for me. I hear what you say about wanting a colour with 'pop' - right with you on that! Suppose I have to compromise this time. Hopefully a sunroof, carefully selected shiny wheels (not those homeboy BLACK excuses for hoops) and properly tinted windows will add some 'pop'. Who knows, I might really love the colour after I've lived with it a while - I'm counting on it! Cheers, Brian.
  3. Hi Stever, I always said through the years I'd never buy a white car - they all reminded me of a fridge on wheels! I very much like, however, the metallic/mica whites used on Toyotas, Mazdas and Subarus but the flat whites always left me flat. Can't understand why Ford never offered a metallic white, ever, in Aus. . . . . So, when it came time to choose a colour for my new XR6 Sprint, I was underwhelmed by the small and very lacking choice offered by Ford. I just couldn't believe it! No Red, no silver, no proper light blue (like lovely Bionic), a nothing washed out grey/blue (Aero), black (FAR too hot & hard to keep clean), dark grey 'Smoke' (a possibility but too dark and hard to clean, hot in summer like black, ditto the dark blue which left Victory Gold - the new XR "hero colour". Well, I was all excited about the gold until I saw it in real life. IF you see it in bright lights or sun it sparkles wonderfully BUT in less than perfect light, shadow or a normal dull day it looks like baby-poo brown or a New York taxi. For the life of me why Ford didn't choose the original 1967/8 XR GOLD I don't know. That's a REAL gold. Vermillion Fire would have been a no-brainer! Or even Vixen. I know Ford wants to make it an exclusive colour line-up but, really, the colour range is quite poor, no life. Even Sunburst would have been better than Victory Gold. So, against that background I did the only thing I could - I bought my first WHITE car EVER, and I've had a lot. I talked myself into it saying 1) easy to keep clean, 2) good contrast between the black bits and the white 3) coolest possible colour for Aussie summers and, finally 4) when I ever sell (IF) it will be a 'neutral' colour and won't offend anyone enough to scare them off buying the car. Some colours like black or that washed out Aero blue or the Gold can alienate used buyers. Oh well, that's what I thought. Would have LOVED Vermillion Fire though!
  4. Hi all, I'm new here. Thanks to the OP re the photos. Very eagle eyed of you, well done! I've just ordered a Winter White XR6TS and can't wait for delivery. Mine will get a set of 'normal shiny wheels first thing and a sunroof. Other than those she looks the goods I reckon. Photos don't ever do the FGX justice regardless of colour or model. That's pretty well known. Must say I'm very surprised at the negativity in this thread to the white car here. I didn't expect it about the very last and ultimate XR6 Ford will ever make in Aus, especially on a forum called fordXR6turbo.com! Oh well, such is life, drive on . . .
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