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Everything posted by HI PSI

  1. I threw No.6 Rod witha generic tune.... Careful !!!!!!
  2. That is the reason why I bought a spare pump and extra 3 pump sock filters in the last group buy./ I feel that this area is generally overlooked during servicing schedules... Not much use just doing the inline filter if the Pump sock is clogged with sh*te.... I finally got my Mal Wood option 3 in today. So all of my other bits will als be fitted then tuned... I wil be cleanin my tank and replacing the filters before this happens.... I will repeatedly flush the tank and use my Holley Blue pump and remote fuel filter to remove the fuel and sludge..
  3. Contact ETM... He had a few engines sitting around... I was going to get one off him for my mate that threw a rod.. But found him extremely difficult to contact... So we purchased one off another forum member... Last time I threw a rod. I found A short on Ford Forums ($600)... And purchased another ($1100 everthing except manifolds and ancillaries) off ebay, for a spare that I can put a forged bottem end in.. Advertise there also... You might get lucky
  4. I lookd at you earlier post before I ported the housing. I decided to port it similar to a head. I felt that smooting all sides will increase flow and minimise turbulence in the housing and wastegate.... I will fit it in the next few weeks.. So I guess that I will soon find out if it works correctly.... Can anyone tell me who sells new studs and posi locks???
  5. For some reason this reply section comes up all messed up for me.... I cannot see what I have written after a few sentences.... Here is the link for the Manual ... My link
  6. This is a spare housing that I purchased some time ago. this is my guinea Pig. So I haven't actually removed it yet.. There are Two "STICKIES" in the Turbo section... Removal of Turbo in Preparation for porting and larger valve PT1 Part 2 Removal Of Turbo In Preperation Of Porting And Valve Mod Part Ii I recently downloaded a PDF which is what I consider to be a full servicemanual.. Let mI
  7. Hey BJC... I will make it clear now, that I am no expert in this field. I ported the housing without seeking professional advice. Only Rattler (Thanks Bud) has been kind enough to post some comments with advice.. I have used my own reasoning and ideas on it's flow characteristics. I am hoping that someone with some knowledge will comment and correct me if I have made any errors... I have made a photbucket folder... I know that some of the pics are not the best quality. But you will get an inkling of what I have done... Porting Pics
  8. Got my housing back from the machinist today. I decided to get the raised factory lip removed and we machined the housing so that the flapper will seat level with the housing. Unfortunately it is a bit too late for some pics and it is overcast also.. So it has made it impossiblr to get any good shots of the porting and machining.. I will post some up tomorrow...
  9. Well. I think that it is fantastic and I can't wait to get me hnds on a set for my project.. I guess that the only people that will complain will be the greedy people that have a bought a set and expected to sell them off for a large gain....
  10. Hey Buddy.... How did you go withe General Panel works??? I have a mate here in Rock that does some great air brushing.. Unfortunately I am in a bit of a hurry this morning and this is the only link that I could find... Airbrushing Rockhampton - O'Ryan Signs and Designs - Airbrushing Rockhampton He is a great bloke and he has alot of talent... Give him a call and tell him that Brad Miners sent you...
  11. Well guys.. I enlarged the wastegate hole and ported the housing today. I have taken the housing to a local machinist to mill the lip off the housing and remove the interferance material where te shaft goes through. This will create a better seal and allow the Folapper to be set into the correct position. All up, it has taken around 2 hours of me just dawdling along. I have taken Rattlers advice and shaped ported the housing similar to getting your heads ported. This will minimise turbelence in the housing and increase the flow through the wastegate.... I have sent the to a machinist to mill the lip off and remove the interference material from around the shaft where it comes through the housing. This will allow for a larger port and better seating of the flapper. I will post up some pics of the porting when I get it back later in the week...
  12. Is there any chance that you could Email that tome please ??? Fpv4me@gmail.com... Regards Brad
  13. Thanks for the info Ratter... I take it, that the flat section of the port must remain... Well I guess that the port will not be drilled out, but will now be hand ported (Enlarged and edges smoothed).... :
  14. I am getting a local machine shop (Ruskins) to bore the wastgate hole. I will be porting the housing myself... Parts should be here tomorrow hopefully...
  15. Lol @ No.2 head... Thank you for your reply and sharing your knowledge and experience. As always you are a true gentleman..
  16. Thank you for the offer Ratter. Unfortunately I ordered it and a new sleeve for the wastegate shaft today as it was damaged (Broke) when it was removed.. The housing will be getting bored out as soon as I can get to the machine shop. Then the porting will begin. I will post up some pics as it progresses..
  17. Hi Steph. I have been following your build closely. It's breat to see you getting some progress again. I am just ondering if you have completed all of your head work (Porting) and if you have done any back to back flow testing( Standard/Ported ). I am very interested in what flow gains you have made..
  18. Just looked at the AVO site . AVOturboworld 38mm Flapper Valve $57.20....
  19. Hi Matty. Unfortunately I have not proceeded any further from these posts. This is all due to my seperation form the Ex and fighting through the courts to get access to my girl. It is now finally all over as of 2 weeks ago. So now I will be pushing ahead, getting the porting done. Then all of the other gear will be installed (Cooler, Inj, Exh, Clutch, Blah Blah) then tuned by Dave... I really don't see that there can be much hand porting done to the housing. Besides boring the housing and rounding of the edges on the exhaust side. I will keep you posted...
  20. I was just looking for a few more prformance bits for the Turbo when I come acrss this.. Ebay link It can be all your for a spare 125 G's... Why build when you can buy....
  21. Hmmm. The raised base plates for the runners looks interesting? Have you run the design through a CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) program to get some idea of the turbulance they create? Or of the airflow into the runners?
  22. Who was doing the work for you? I am interested to know as I have had some trouble with some paint work that I got done in Rocky....
  23. Hi all, I am looking to upgrade my dash cluster from my Luxury pack version ( Dual Zone ) to a new fpv version( Dual Zone version). As the FPV one is new, what happens when you replace the new one. Will the original mileage show on the cluster? If you don't reprogram the cluster to the original mileage. What happens? Will the dash still work correctly and not show any error lights??? I am not looking to sell the car ever.. As long as it works I will be happy?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.. Brad
  24. I have thoiught about this also and have relayed my wishes to my cloe family members. I deceided on the "Pretenders - I'll stand by you". It is such a warm and touching song that relays, that I will always be there waching over you all...
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