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Everything posted by HI PSI

  1. Get Rapids 3' cold side piping... Either that or sell the Nizpro intake to me...
  2. Well that certainly suck ass...Ummmm.. Angle grinder ????
  3. As it is my every day drive, I ended up just throwing a Ba Short in. I tried to get a Bf II but ford were out of stock and could not give me a definate time on availability. I needed to get it running as soon as I could.. sh*t happes I s'pose.. The car has been running great. I have fitted all of the bits except the Exhaust and surge tank.. They go on this weekend. I have purchased another spare motor so that I can build a forged bottom at my own pace. More to the point as funds permit.. I am always on the lookout for bits and pieces. Pm me with the list of parts and I'll let you know.. My email is Fpv4me@gmail.com Thanks for the offer. I look forward to the email.. Brad
  4. Hold it with a set of vice grips, Multi grips or similar. While drilling..... Obviously holding the rear part of the rivet...
  5. Hi Quinn, I have been watching your thread with interest and I am very envious. I have finally fitted the Rapid ooler and piping that I purchased from you. Thanks agian for selling it to me at such a great price. Good luck with your project. Regards Brad
  6. Use a 1/8 drill and drill down the center of the rivet.. Then it will pull out easily...
  7. I have heard that they have been having som problems with the Pedders Coil overs... So I have decided not to go down that path...
  8. By the sounds of it then a mld is just as good. Anyone know where I can find a cheap 4" version?
  9. I am sorry to hear of your current predicament.. I too have been burnt in the past, however it was not on this forum. It only takes one uncooth person to ruin your trust. As you stated earlier, it is very important that the advertisement be read correctly. Maybe the forum could look into adding a reputation system. Where memebrs can add reputation points after a smooth transaction has been made... Just a thought... Anyway, good luck with the bar and working it out with the member involved. Regards Brad
  10. I purchased a system off a forum memebr some time ago. Last weekend I installed my modded exhaust housing, 12 psi actuator, Rapid V3 cooler, Dekka's and Mal Wood clutch. I am now looking to put on the exhaust. Currently it utilises the standard dump the goes straigh to a 4' until just past the cat, then goes to dual 2.5'. I am looking to do away with factory dump and I am undecided as to go with a mild steel dump or a stainless. Could you please tell me the pro's and con's of doing either?
  11. You should count your blessings. Brisbane roads are fantastic as the majority of the states road funding goes there. As the majority of the voting population lives there..the remainder is distributed to us northerners... God help us !!! Our roads are disgusting.. Up here we are slalom experts as we have potholes as you described every 20 meters.... Good luck with suing the council... You may consider it a breach of care...
  12. I currently have the car in a million pieces, removing and replacing the turbo housing with a ported one. I am alos fitting my Rapid V3 cooler and injectors at the same time. Is is possible to remove the injectors and fit the Dekka's withoout removing the Throttle body??
  13. Turbo out.. You can do the majority yourself.. Machining of sealing suface is desireable...It depends on your fussy you are. My self ported housing is going on this weekend.. I found it alot easie by purchasing a spare housing and doing it at my own pace... Check out this thread.. Bigger Flapper Thread There is a simialr link in post 27 that shows some pics after porting and machining has been performed..s of the porting that I did..
  14. I have put a few sets of these on my car. I quite like them also... They are VERY good in the wet. I am sure that I will go with them again... 8.5/10 from me....
  15. Hey bud, I was just wondering what bearings, timing chains and head gaskets you guys are running?
  16. A few years back I went o our local Sizzler restraunt. I had finished my meal an was alf way through eating my dessert when an employee went to fill the machine with mix.. She lifted the top lid and started to pour the contents into the machine. Much o my horror. I saw the word "Toliets" written on the side in Niko pen.. I have never been back....
  17. Hi all. After what seems like an eternity. My Sepreation aggreement is finally completed and god bless, I have free funds to fit all of my performance bits to my "T". To cut a ,ong story short, I need a copy of Rapids V3 fitting instructions. I roughly know where most of the hoses etc run to except the boost sensor and where to run the boost gauge off? I recently sent a message to Chris requesting the information but as yet I have had no reply. I can only try to understand how immense his workload must be. I am looking to fit my cooler, 3' cold side, 2 1/2 hot side and process West under batter cold air intake this weekend. I was wondering if anyone could forward their instructions to me please? Or maybe offer some advice as to its set up. My email address is Fpv4me@gmail.com. Regards BradAny help or advice would be greatly appreciated
  18. My King SL's are starting to get a bit soft and I would now like to replace them and the Struts/Shocks at the same time. I have considered coil overs but have decided against them as the roads here in Central Queensland are extremely rough and the stiffer ride would make driving the car less enjoyable. I would like to make an educated decision before I buy so.....Could you all share your experiences with different brand shock absorbers. Giving a rating out of 10 for "Ride quality,Stiffness and Satisfaction".. Cheers Brad
  19. Thank you very much for sending the email. I am dying to put it on as soon as I can.. Thanks again.... Brad
  20. I have recently purchased a Process Wet surge tank second hand. I would really like to fit the tank and pump as soon as possible, however I am unsure of how the piping is set up. I really don't want to other Kev (process West) as I did not purchase the item directly from him. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could scan the fitting instuctions and email it to the following email address please... Email address: - Fpv4me@gmail.com Thanks for yout time...
  21. I just sent him an Email and will try to call him tomorrow if I get time.. Thanks again guys...
  22. Thank you so very much. I am SO keen to get the new housing on and get then new tune... You input is greatly appreciated ..
  23. Very interesting.... You are aclever little cookie !!!
  24. Hi all, I have recently enlarged my wastegate, ported the housing and fitted the bigger flapper valve. I would like to replace all of the gaskets studs and fit some Posi Locks ( I think that's what they are called) that stop the nuts from coming undone. Could someone please point me in the right direction as to who/where I can purchase these items from ?? Regards Brad Surely someone has to know where to get these bits from???????
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