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Everything posted by HI PSI

  1. HI PSI

    Central Qld

    I spoke to Scotty about that earlier... I wonder if this is an inherent problem. It just seems strange the block flexing that much. I have never heard about it on these forums.. Still it is very interesting... I will be running 15-17 psi in a few days... I will then be very happy with it's performance. Then all I have left is to get all of the stonechips repaired and the bodykit painted. I would have loved to go fro a cruise.. But way too much on this weekend... I have to get my XF Ghia ready for the clevo to go in....
  2. HI PSI

    Central Qld

    What's happening Matt??? Why the sale??? How much are you chasing for it?
  3. I just got insurance from them... BA II total cover with mods $29,700.. Mods include :- $5,000 -Bf Gt Bodykit (Genuine fornt +rear bars, grilles) $2,000 - Rapid Industries intercooler and piping kit. $3,000 - Alloy wheels $1,500 - Xr8 bonnet *Windscreen policy *Hire car for accident and theft.. policy cost. $798 Excess - $500 Gotta be happy with that....
  4. HI PSI

    Central Qld

    It didn't throw a rod... motor was still intact. It had something to do with the piston or spark plug breaking.. I am unsure of the full extent of the damage... But I do know that there was some valve damage...
  5. I don't really know the terminololg... But here goes.... I believe that Dave ( blueboost) was playing some ignition twaeks.. Similar to what they do on rally cars, to give the manuals boost off the line and help maintain it during shift changes.... I can't recall if he was successsful or not... Will you be attempting to do similar? Does anyone know the correct terminology for what I described???
  6. It may run a little bit rougher at idle... That's all....
  7. As Senna said.. It depends on what it did on the way out... Did it break the rod? I'd imagine that it will have damaged the bottom of the bore, f*cked the crank... New engine coming up I think...... To make matter worse, you have to pull off all of the pipework that you just put in....
  8. This section should really be closed.... How long has it been since we had a group buy that has derived from this section.... It is obvious that forum sponsors are not interested in passing any special deals with forum members... And I guess that they don't have to... This s more of a wish list section......
  9. HI PSI

    Speeding Fine.

    The majority of my fines are from passing Semi trailers... Either because they are all over the road or spraying my pride and job with Sh*t.. I do not feel safe around them, especially whe travelling behind.. Yet the "Boys in Blue" really don't give a rats arse about it and continue to write a ticket.... Yet they totally disregard the poorly secured load and uncovered trailes full or rocks and sand.... I think that their attitude suck Arse.... They don't care as long as they get their quota... SHAME !! SHAME!!! SHAME!!!!! Karma will come a full circle one day...
  10. HI PSI

    Central Qld

    I heard that a Typhoon engine died on a dyno in Rocky last week...... I wonder if they are a memebr here???
  11. Found this link site when I was looking at buying a new set of tires.... The site is Canadian, however it has a large range of tyres with reviews from people that purchased them... It is an interesting read.... SUV's and Light trucks are at the top.. Scroll down further for light vehicles...... http://www.1010tires.com/Tires/Reviews
  12. Pm goes all sh*tty for me. The same as the reply section that I am replying in now.. So I have sent an email(Email you specified for this site) to you with some links that you may find useful.... Have a happy and safe Easter
  13. I have sent you a PM with some links that may help you... Happy hunting....
  14. My BAII didn't have a gasket there either.. Ford does not have a part listing for it either.. There schematics don't show anything... I believe that they are available... Lok at places like ebay.... I purchased flapper of a forum sponsore and did all of the work myself.... Didn't take long really.... I guess that $370 is ok.... I have heard of it costing a great deal more at some performance shops......... Forgot to add.. According to the information that I have. The manifold should be tensioned to 27nm
  15. Do you have a certain type that ou use? I rember years ago Artic Blue's were the rage.. What should I be looking for now??
  16. I found the link below on another forum. It states that the new "Super Secret" mobile speed camera cars are as follows. I am sure that these are the first of many to come... Unmarked Speed Camera Vehicles 2x Expensive Daewoo Rodeo (White) 1x Expensive Daewoo VZ Ute (White) 1x Volkswagen Golf (not a GTI) It should be noted that the utes are all white in colour with white canopies. Roadsmart - The road to being a safer, smarter driver! I hopethat you all have a safe and happy Easter
  17. Thanks alot.. I must have missed t somehow...
  18. I hve been trying to find a contact details or one our site sponsors ETM. I found his internet address but it seems to be down. Could someone please forward the number to me please?
  19. We used to make a fron board to fit into the arched rear seat well...Then mount the box to it. I think that what you want could be done by any reputable audio installer... What box size did you come up with? I really need the Thiell specs to have a look on bass box... What rms are you planning on running through them? What amp? What impedence ?? I'll give my old boss (Audio Store) a call and see if he can send me some pics..... Send me the thiel parameters... I can only assumetht you have the 05C104 subs?????
  20. In that case make it a set of 380 rears... What do you think Pat ??? SSSL or SSL springs???? I want it to sit level....
  21. I used a 5 inch long 1/4 drive extension with a universal joint and socket.. Obviously I had the nut just started onto the thread and used it to screw the stud in.. I just wish that I had removed the turbo mounting plate when I was there...
  22. It must be a complex design if you cannot calculate the volume yourself? RECTANGLE:- LENGHT X BREADTH X HEIGHT. TRIANGLE:- 1/2 BASE X HEIGHT X LENGTH. CYLINDER:- DIAM SQUARED X 0.79 X LENGHT D I have heard of people using foam beads (Bean bag beads)to calculate the volume of some boxes.. Once you have a known quantity. Eg: Filling 1tr Jug with beads and placing it in the box until it is full.. Deducting the remainder... Just an idea...
  23. Hey Pat, could you please give me a price including delivery to Rockhampton Queensland 4700. Regular SL's for the front and SSL (310) rears.. Thank you
  24. That would work... Even easier if you have the luxury pack with footwell lighting...
  25. Thanks for the advice... Would this option cost extra and would a special order have to be made to get them? My SL springs have gone a bit soft and sagged a bit... Especially the front.. So I am looking to replace them..
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